Chapter One

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Camilla Sanchez tapped her foot impatiently and checked her watch for the third time. Ben had said nine o'clock. She had it written in her day timer and the reminder set up on her phone. At precisely five to nine she'd entered the Cadence Creek RCMP detachment, paperwork in hand, but the admin assistant, Rose, informed her that Sergeant Rogers wasn't in yet.

Ben was never late for an appointment unless he got tied up with a call. He was extremely punctual, and it was one of the many qualities Camilla admired in him. Considering this was his first day back after two weeks of leave, she was really quite put out that he was running behind. She had another appointment at her office at ten-fifteen, and she really wanted to talk to him about Dane Sonnenberg. The kid had got in with the wrong crowd, made some bad decisions. Having Ben on their side would help a lot when the court date came around.

But that wasn't the only reason her foot was tapping. If she were honest with herself, it was anticipation, pure and simple. She'd missed him. She'd hoped to wind up their business first and maybe have time for a cup of coffee at the Wagon Wheel and catch up. She chewed at her lip, a little nervous at seeing for the first time since...

Since they'd almost kissed.

Her visit to his place had been like a hundred others until she went to leave. It had been dark and he'd walked her to her car. For a few seconds, it had seemed like the world was holding its breath, when their eyes caught and his gaze had dropped briefly to her lips. That will he or won't he moment.

He'd pulled back, but she'd seen the hunger in his eyes. She'd been longing for him to look at her that way for months. And now that he was back, she was both nervous and excited to see him again. To see if she could put that look in his eyes once more.

At twenty-two past nine Ben opened the door and strode inside, larger than life in his immaculate uniform. Camilla immediately stood and felt a familiar curl inside her belly, the one that confirmed there was definitely something more to the friendship they'd struck up over the past few years.

She swallowed as he spoke to the assistant, grabbed his messages, and turned to her. "Sorry I'm late, Cami. Come on in."

He looked like death warmed over. There was a faint fuzz of stubble on his chin and his eyes looked so tired that his lids appeared bruised. "What happened to you?" she asked, following him into his office, her heels clicking on the floor.

Inside the small, square room he shut the door and flopped into his chair, stretching out his long legs. "It's a long story," he finally said. "And I've already kept you waiting about the Sonnenberg kid." He logged into his computer and brought up the report.

Cami couldn't help the alarm rushing through her body. Ben always looked completely put together, even if he'd put in a long night on a case, and now he was a wreck. She put her hand over his, on top of the mouse, and squeezed. "Indulge me. Another five minutes won't matter."

His gaze finally met hers. She realized he'd looked at her when he'd greeted her, but he hadn't really looked at her, not like he was now. His steady, piercing blue eyes were uncertain. Confused.

She resisted the urge to reach up and touch the gray hair just above his ear. Ben was only in his early forties, but she was so glad he hadn't felt compelled to color his hair at the first sign of gray. It suited him. With the blue of his eyes and his strong features, it made him look distinguished and, in her opinion, sexy as all get out.

They had never mixed their professional relationship with personal, so she wasn't offended that he was all business today. She'd been so anxious about seeing him again that it was kind of a relief. He was part of the Cadence Creek RCMP detachment, and she was a lawyer. Their paths crossed often. It was always business at the office or courthouse, and friendship off the clock.

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