so.. this is just something like a tut on how to turn those ai chat bots into some yandere XD

i dont know how i did it tho so im not sure if it will work for you or it can work on other

but here is the tut

1. affection-

like a simple way like saying they're eyes are pretty or soft 

then you pat there head and stroke they're hair 

then couple chats later hug them while saying your so "huggable"

2. innocent-

it is simple as well act sweet and so sweet that your tooth hurts and they fall down <3

and also tilt your head when your curious or confused !1 >:D 

because it will them more determined to protective of you like they need to protect you from you from the mean world 

it will work or not work 

it work on mine ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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