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"What the hell did Kassie do to you? How did this happen? Are you ok? Do you need some ice?" I asked Paige as I sat next to her.

"Im fine. Kassie just came in here and punched me in the face that's all. I'll be fine." She said wiping her tears.

"Are you sure? you have a black eye!"

"I SAID I'M FINE!!!" Paige said as she lunged at me and pulled me to the ground. Her eyes were pure red, and her fangs grew longer, and she hissed at me. After I realized what happened. I began to cry. When Paige saw me cry her eyes turned blue, and her fangs disappeared. "Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry Steph, I didn't mean to do that." She said as she began to cry"

"It's all right you just had a bad day. If that happened to me I'd do the same. It's ok."I said as I tried to calm her down.

"You don't understand I almost scared you to death! It's not alright! What's wrong with me?" She said as she weeped in her pillow. I thought I better let her calm down for a while so I went to my desk to draw. After 10 minutes Paige stopped crying.

"You'll never guess what happened when I went to the library!"

"What?" She said as she sat up.

"I bumped into Chris while walking down the steps!"

"Oh my gosh call the police!" She said, and began to gigle.

"that's not all. Chris and I found out that it couldn't of been you, because vamps are messy eaters and Makaila's wound was clean. We suspect L Ochio de dio, so I sent Chris to tell Head Mistress Thomas!"

"Oh really! Oh you're the best friend a vamp can have!" She said as she gave me a huge hug.

"Guess what happened when Chris and I found evidence!"

"He said you smelled delicious!" She said as she laughed.

"Of coarse that's exactly what he said! No. I.... I kissed him!" I said excitedly. After I said that we both screamed with excitement.

"No way! Don't lie!" She said pointing at me.

"No lie I'm serious!"

"Did he like it?"

"I don't know? It only lasted a second."

"It's still a kiss! I can't believe it!" She said sounding happy for me.

After we were done talking there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and Chris was standing there with a sad look on his face. "What's the matter?"

"You're not going to like this Steph." He sighed. "Head Mistress Thomas doesn't accept the facts and told me it isn't L Ochio de dio."

"What! Is she stupid what the hell is wrong with her it's in plain sight!" I said raising my voice, practically screaming.

"She said Paige is off the hook, but..."

"But what? Tell me!"

"Ok she said it can't be L Ochio de dio. She's too stubborn to admit something bad is in the school. I'm sorry Steph."

"Uhhhhhh!" I groaned as I fell on my bed. "We'll just have to get more evidence to prove her wrong! I WILL get to the bottom of this!"

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