Feilx pt 3

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Felix was curled onto the floor, asleep once again. When the door opened he screamed. Hyunjin bent down. "Ssh~ it's me, kitten." Felix looked up and his eyes grew big. "Were you really lost?" Felix nodded and Hyunjin smiled, "I'll believe you this time, but if it ever happens again, this room will be the least of your worries."

Felix nodded, "please. Please can I come out?" Hyunjin laughed, "of course you can, love." Hyunjin helped Felix up. "Are you hungry baby?" Felix shrugged, "a little bit." The two walked down the hallway, Felix shaking while Hyunjin held him. "It's ok, kitten. Calm down. What would you like to eat?" Felix looked at the floor. "Whatever is fine."

Hyunjin smiled, "I've missed you, my kitten." He tugged Felix up by his jaw kissing him, it was a softer kiss than Hyunjin usually allows. Felix accepted it and kissed back, Hyunjins kiss slowly growing rougher. Felix backed away. Hyunjin laughed, "you like it when I'm gentle, kitten?" Felix nodded, "yes, master." Hyunjin patted his head. "I guess I can be more gentle then. But only when you aren't in trouble." 

Felix bit his lip and turned to the kitchen, Hyunjins arm still around his waist. "I just want some fruit." Hyunjin laughed, of course he had fruit, he loved fruit. "Well, I have strawberries, apples, grapes, pears, pretty much all of the fruits." Felix nodded and opened up the fridge. He took out the bag of grapes and looked up at Hyunjin. "I- I need- Can I please have a bowl?" Hyunjin handed him a bowl. "It's ok, kitten. I'm not mad at you. You can relax."

Felix had been shaking the entire time, almost dropping the bowl he got from Hyunjin. "I- I'm sorry." Hyunjin rinsed the grapes Felix put into the bowl, "for what, kitten?" Felix shrugged and Hyunjin tugged him close. "I'm not constantly mad at you, kitten. I already punished you for leaving me.." he caressed the collar, "so all is forgiven. Just calm down ok? We can go pick Raspberries white you eat if you'd like?"

Felix remembered this side of Hyunjin. The hopeless romantic side. He would treat Felix so well, which was what made Felix stay, the good times. Felix knew better this time. One slip up on rules Hyunjin has laid down, or if he said something Hyunjin didn't have in his fantasy he would be in trouble again.

Felix smiled as best he could, "that sounds nice, what are we going to collect the raspberries in?" Hyunjin handed Felix a small basket. "This, now, come on, kitten." Hyunjin kissed Felix quickly and held his hand, taking him out to the back yard, if you could even call it that. It was acres and acres of land. Some of it garden, some of it open grass, and even a couple horses. Felix's eyes grew wide. He breathed in the air. He loved being outside, at least, when the sun wasn't out. He looked back at Hyunjin. "C-can I run? I- I wanna run.." he kept his head down and Hyunjin nodded, "keep going straight to the garden. I will meet you there."

Felix took off running, feeling the wind hit his face. He felt free, even though he knew he wasn't. He started to cry, but quickly wiped the tears away. He didn't want to ruin Hyunjins good mood, it would only end badly.

Eventually Hyunjin caught up, "do you want to go ahead with the raspberries or just keep staring at the clouds?" He teased and Felix shrugged, "I guess raspberries are ok." He laughed and so did Hyunjin. Felix kept up the act of being in love with Hyunjin so that he wouldn't ruin the moment. He knew the liberties he had in these moments and the ones he didn't.

The two of them picked berries, occasionally skipping over to get strawberries too. As they got deeper the bushes ended, and there was a large covered space. It was empty and there was no light. "W-what is this?" Felix asked. Hyunjin grabbed his wrist. Felix flinched at how strong his grip was. "I- I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have asked." Hyunjin tugged him into the darkness. "This is for last resort issues, such as your friend."

Felix shuttered, "m-my friend? I- don't have friends." Hyunjin scoffed, "he came to my office, attempting to accomplish something, and failed." He flipped a switch and the light came on. It was a large garage type thing. Chains hanging from the ceiling. "If he ever gets too close to you, I'll bring him here, and I will kill him."

Felix screamed and fell to the floor. "Hyunjin please!" Hyunjin grabbed him by the hair. "Don't act surprised Felix. I have had to use this shed several times, I'm not bothered to use it again." Felix was sobbing, "w-what did he do to you?" He pleaded, gripping the floor for support. "What did he do?!" Hyunjin tugged Felix up. "God, you are so blind sometimes. He stole you from me Felix!"

Felix shook his head. "Y- you're wrong... I- I.." he choked on sobs and Hyunjin fiddled with some chains. "You what, kitten? Use your words."  Felix stood up and started backing up. Hyunjin grabbed him by the wrist. "Say what you want to say, Felix. Now."

Felix shook his head. Hyunjin wrapped a chain around his neck, tugging it tight against his chest. "If you won't tell me then I'll have to persuade you a little better. Wonder how your friend is doing right now, considering I stabbed him." Felix reached for his neck, tears filling his eyes. "N- no!" He screamed through the little breath he could get. "I- I'll t-ell y- you."

Hyunjin released his neck, "then say it. Now." Felix coughed and fell to the floor. "You're wrong! I left you because I don't love you! I left you because all you do is abuse me! I never wanted to see you again. And now that this is happening all I want to do is die. I fell in love with Chan. He treated me right and he truly cared for how I felt."

Hyunjin backed up, biting his lip and taking a deep breath. For a whole he said nothing. Eventually, he moved closer to Felix. "Stand up." He said darkly. Felix obeyed. He was shaking, terrified of what Hyunjin would do.

Hyunjin took him out of the shed and back up to the house. "Hold him. I'll be back." He instructed one of the guards and he held Felix's arm. Hyunjin picked up his phone.

Felix winced and tried to pull away. He was sobbing silently. The guard ended up grabbing both arms. "What did you do this time, punk?" He growled and Felix squealed.

Hyunjin put his phone in his pocket, pulling out a gun. Before Felix or the man could process it, the shot was fired, Felix fell to the floor screaming and covering his head. The guard fell backwards. Felix rubbed a hand across his face, there was blood on it. He looked over to see the man laying dead on the floor with a bullet in his head. He screamed again.

Hyunjin sighed, "girls get him cleaned up. And find a suit that will fit him. We are going out." Felix was helped up by several maids. They all helped him up the stairs and to his room.

Felix was a sobbing mess. "He just- he just killed him!" He screamed and the girls tried to comfort him. "It's ok, Felix. Please, just try not to think about it." They started to clean his face and got a tape measure out. They got his measurements for a suit and he simply let it happen. He was in shock. He had never seen Hyunjin do that to anyone.

He broke a kid's arm once when he slapped Felix, but he didn't kill him. Felix got dressed and went back downstairs. All the evidence of what just happened was gone. Hyunjin was completely dressed up. "You clean up nice, kitten." He wrapped an arm around him. "Don't look so sad. He was mean to you. I won't allow that."

Felix nodded, keeping head down. Hyunjin was being really weird. Ye wasn't torturing him right now, and that scared Felix. He just prayed Chris wouldn't be hurt.

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