Chapter 33

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The perks of shower sex? You get satisfied and clean. After Xavier and I complete the mating bond the burning has died down. Not completely but mostly.

Xavier and I spend all day in bed beside eachother. We both know that the burn will return and we will have to repeat what happened in the shower. Not that any of us are complaining.

Xavier has satisfied me in every way possible and even though it wasn't as special as we would have liked it was still magical.

I turn in his arms to get a better look at his handsome face. "You look upset." I state with a frown. "What's wrong?" I ask. He shrugs. "Nothing. I'm just tired." He answers. I growl lowly. "You do know that out bond has become stronger. I know you're angry. Why?" I ask. "Is it at me?" I say feeling pain grow inside me.

"No, kitten it's not." He reassures me and strokes my hair gently. "Im mad and myself. I could have prevented the heat." He explains. I frown. "No you couldn't. Every female goes into heat after meeting her mate." I explain.

Xavier shakes his head. "I mean I could have prevented it from being this painful." He tells me. I cuddle to his chest. "But you stopped the pain. That's all that matters." I assure him.

After a long pause he sighs. "I'll go get breakfast." He says and pulls away from me. He plants a kiss on my forehead before leaving to get food.

I turn to my side feeling empty. My stomach growls informing me it's time to eat. My eyes slowly close. Who knew being in heat was this tiring. Xavier leaving has made my burning increase slightly.

I listen to the sound of the birds as the burning increases. Suddenly another outburst hit me making me turn and my eyes water. This one not as bad as the one before yet still painful.

It doesn't take Xavier even 5 seconds to get back upstairs. He bursts through the door making sure to shut it behind him. I groan as another wave of burning hits me when I smell his scent.

He lies down beside me running his hand from my lower thigh to my hip them up my side. His hand grips my shoulder gently and he leaves a soft kiss on my shoulder blade. The kiss makes my back muscles relax.
A soft moan escapes my lips as the burning begins to ease. Xaviers grip on my shoulder tightens slightly. "Don't do that." He warns me. His voice husky.

Confused I shut my mouth with a small smirk on my face. He kisses my neck lovingly making the burning increase. He kisses my jawline almost like he's tracing it with a line of small soft kisses. I groan. "Xavier this foreplay of yours is making it more painful." I whimper.

He doesn't take a moment to spare when he pulls the covers off me, sitting himself between my knees. He locks our lips in a passionate kiss making sparks erupt everywhere. Then he repeats the events of last night over and over again.


It takes a week for my heat to go. A long and painful yet satisfying week. Since I'm now Luna and Xavier and I have completed our mating bond we have become much much closer.

We walk down the stairs hand in hand. There are many wolves in the pack house today to celebrate the birthday of one of our best warriors Daniel. As we walk past a lady with two kids I can't help but smile.

"Good morning." I greet as Xavier stays silent. The she wolf nods politely at Xavier and smiles at me. "How are you feeling Luna? I heard you were sick." She tells me. My smile grows. "I'm much better thank you." I answer and turn to the kids.

One of them, a boy looks around 4. He was pulling at her hand before he spotted Xavier and I
Now he's staring at Xavier mesmerised. The other, a small baby girl who's cradled in her mother's arm. She looks less than a year old and chuckles softly at the sight of us.

"Good morning Alpha." Says the little boy standing up as straight as possible. Xavier gives a small smile but quickly wipes it off his face. In fact it was such a quick smile I think only I noticed it. He's really getting softer since I first met him.

"Good morning Jason." He answers looking gown at him. The boys smile grows when Xavier says his name. "Someday I'm gonna be as big and strong as you." Boasts Jason with confidence. Xavier chuckles. "Yes you will." He says and ruffles Jason hair. He turns to the woman.

"How is your husband?" Asks Xavier. She smiles. "Much better thank you." She bows her head. Xavier nods. "I'm glad to hear that." He turns to me. "Shall we move on?" He asks and I nod in response. "Nice meeting you." I say with a smile.

We reach the kitchen which too is packed but not with lower ranked wolves but top class chefs. I smile at this. It's sweet how much Xavier cares for his pack. To organise top chefs to cook for his warrior. It doesn't end at the aging food. Xavier also organised a fantastic dj, expensive drinks, and entertainment such as singers and dance acts.

I give Xavier a quick kiss on the cheek and break mu hand free from his. "Hey. Where do you think you're going?" He chuckles as I walk away from him. He follows closely. "I just want to have a look around without having you practically pinned to me." I laugh.

"Well tough. You're mine and I don't plan on letting you go anywhere." He says taking my hand. "I don't plan on going anywhere." I assure him. This makes him smile.

"I love you." He kisses my forehead. I open my mouth to tell him that I love him too. He's been waiting too long to hear the words. It's true and I've never felt this way with any other wolf ever.

But before I can say anything Cole bursts trough the door making everyone jump. Xavier wraps me in his arms and pulls me into his chest.

"Alpha!" He shouts.

"We caught scent of Samuel near the pack boarder." He says.

Xaviers grip around me tightened as I let out a loud whimper and shut my eyes. Maybe if I don't open my eyes and stay here, wrapped in Xaviers protective shield we will all be safe..

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