Chapter 15

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Xavier pulls me on to his lap carefully placing me in a way in which I would be most comfortable. "Samuel is a powerful wolf who belongs to an alpha family. He had been next in line for the alpha position but the birth of his younger brother threatened him as later his brother turned out to be stronger and wiser." He begins.

My mind goes back to the information I read about alpha pups and how the younger pups could challenge the older for the alpha position. "So Samuels brother challenged him for the alpha position?" I ask, Xavier nods. "And he beat him didnt he?" I add and Xavier nods again.

"With his fury he packed up and left his pack in search for other packs to conquer." He says. "Why this pack?" I ask. Xavier puts his finger on his lips hushing me. "Without any luck. He decided to return to his home pack where he was rejected. Now wanting revenge on that pack he tries to take back whats his. The alpha position, the Luna and the pack." He explains.

"So why this pack?" I say crossly. "Because Kitten, Samuel is my fathers brother. Its my father who challenged him, its me he wants to kill and its you he wants as his mate. The current Luna and Alpha." He explains. My brows knit together. I push myself up off Xaviers knees and raise my hands up in surrender.

"Woah, woah, I havent signed up for any of this! First you take me away from my school and family then keep secrets from me and now this?!" I say in a high tone. My heart beating so quick and loud that im sure Xavier can hear every beat. "Now Kitten relax, please just hear me out." Says Xavier standing up slowly making me back out slightly.

"Dont step away from me Tiara." Warns Xavier. I want to step away and find a place for myself to think things over. I want to go lock myself in a room but the look on Xaviers face makes my muscles tense and bones stiff. A mixture of sadness, concern and determination.

I stand there with both my legs placed firmly on the floor while Xavier reaches his hand out towards me. "I wont let him take you away from me Tiara. Id die quicker." He says making my heart ache at thr words 'id die'. This mate attraction has only been helping Xavier lately. The strong force makes me want to take his hand.

With a slight hesitation I take it slowly buy resist when he tries pulling me closer to him. I look into his golden eyes filled with emotions. "I just need some time to think about this." I say and gently tug my hand away from his. He resists a moment before letting me go.

"Go back upstairs, take a shower, I have a bathrobe in the closet, put it on and turn on the tv. Relax and take a breather." He says to me, his perfect face soft. I nod and leave the room to do as he told me.


I turn off the warm running water and step out from behind the curtains then pull the soft bathrobe over my steaming body. The soft fur almost instantly dries my skin making me feel comfortable and warm. I rub the condensation off the mirror then use a cream that Xavier got me on my face to moisture it. With a quick look at myself in the mirror I open the door immediately feeling the cool air.

On the bed I find a note strapped to a box and rose. I open it and read the neat writting. "Hey baby, I just want to tell you ill be back before you fall asleep. Netflix is on the tv. Watch that and treat yourself to this. -Xavier."

In the box I find a variety of chocolates from dark chocolate to white chocolate. I smile then get into bed and switch on Netflix. Clicking through the popular movies I choose a Disney movie called Mulan then lie back and enjoy my chocolates while my body slowly cools from the hot shower.

Samuel wants me as his mate? Thats what hes doing in the pack grounds. Thats why hes after me. But why? I understand im a soon to be Luna but is be useless. Doesnt he have a mate himself? Wouldnt he want her to be a Luna rather than someone elses mate?

I feel slightly nervous. What if he does take over the pack and me? What if im forced to having his pups? What would he do to Xavier?.

My heart and lungs ache again at the many ideas that come to my mind. My palms sweat and I roll up in the blankets listening to the songs on Mulan. What if he kills him? How far would a wolf seeking revenge go?.

Xaviers pov.

"Cole she completely freaked out." I say to Cole, my beta. He passes me over a pint of beer then places his one on the table. "Can you blame her Xavier? She just found out that one of the most wanted and dangerous wolves in the world wants to kill her mate and take her as his!" He explains.

I almost face palm myself at the obvious statement. "Well Cole youre the genius of this night." I say sarcastically in an angry tone. Cole shrugs at me. "Whoa, I get it youre mad but we never hang out since you became Alpha so tonight, just forget about her and give her some space. Its what she needs." He says. "I cant forget about my mate when shes alone in her room with a criminal trying to take her from me!" I shout slamming my fist on the bar table.

A few people turn towards me but with a sharp glance they turn back yo their drinks. "I think ill go home. Today not a night for party." I say and stand up. A firm hand tries pushing me down buy I dont budge. "Man youre strong." Says Cole and I look down to his arm. "Sit down. Today is a day for me! You are always busy. Come on take a day off!" Complains Cole.

"An Alpha doesnt take a day off Cole. A Beta shouldnt either." I say. Cole gives me a frustrated look. With hesitation I slowly sit down and force the pint of beer down my troath feeling a burn as it went down.

Tiaras pov.

Its late and Xavier still hasnt arrived home. I twist and turn until I find myself slightly more comfortable. But without Xavier beside me no position is comfortable enough. I sigh and kick around like a little tantrum. 3:32am reads the clock on my phone.

'Be back before you sleep.' Yeah right. What time does he think I sleep at? 4am then wake up at 9am? You would be lucky if I got out of bed after 10 hours of sleep. Again I twist then become worried. What if Samuel got to him? Again I sigh then try to force myself to sleep.

Just moments away from sleeping a squeak grabs my attention. "Xavier?" I say hopefully unable to see in the dark. "Yeah?" Answers Xavier. "Why are you so late?" I ask rubbing my eyes. "I was with Cole." He answers in a slurred tierd voice. "Hurry and get in here." I say then crush my face into the soft pillows.

Xavier goes to the bathroom then the door closes again informing me that hes back in the room. A dip in the bed tells me hes on the bed then soon I feel a muscular arm wrap around my stomach and pull me closer to a firm chest. I giggle slightly at the sparks of pleasure erupting under my skin.

I turn around to face Xavier, place my hand on his chest while his arm is still wrapped around me. "You smell of beer." I say crossly pulling away. "How would you know how beer smells like?" Asks Xavier. "My dad drinks." I answer annoyed. "Thats what took so long? You were drinking?" I say crossly and sit up. "Kitten its late, cant we talk about this in the morning?" He says.

I cross my arms and frown. Without saying a word I lie down turning away from him. "Kitten.." Says Xavier but I push myself further from him. Immediately I miss his body pressed against mine. "Tiara." He tries again but I simply pull away further. He sighs frustrated then turns away from me too.

I swear at this moment my heart broke into a million pieces.

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