First day at Hogwarts (Regulus)

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TW: Panic attacks, Implied abuse, being a disappointment.

"Prongs!" Sirius came announcing on the first day back at Hogwarts. He just found him on the train. A slim black haired boy followed behind Sirius. James looked at him "Hey Padfoot. Who's that?" Sirius sat down across from him and patted next to him for the young boy to sit down. But he just stood awkwardly in the door way. Sirius said "This is my little brother, Regulus well Reggie." Reggie still stood in the doorway. They kept talking about their summer, but Sirius was quiet Reggie wasn't sure why but they just kept quiet. Sirius told him not to tell anyone he wasn't sure why but he trusted his brother. After 10 minutes of standing in the hallway, Reggie's cousins came down the hallway. Bella said "Reggie come sit with me and Cissy instead of these Gryffindor's." Reggie looked at his older brother with pleading eyes, Sirius nodded. Cissy and Bella took Reggie to sit with them. James said "Sirius what was that about?" Sirius waited until this cousins had cleared. Sirius said, "Since my brother has not been sorted, he is still on good terms with my family." They nodded. They were having fun the gang back together, Moony, Padfoot, Pete and Prongs. 

They got off the train and into Hogwarts. The sorting ceremony began. When Regulus Black was called all the Blacks stood up and cheered. Regulus didn't want to be in Slytherin but wanted to be it so he didn't have to go through the ridicule at home. He sat there with his anxiety high as possible. The sorting hat announced "SLYTHERIN!!" Reggie got off the stool and walked towards the Slytherin table. He looked at his brother and he could see the disappointment in his face. He hung his head low and continued walking. He sat between his cousins. They hugged him. His leg was bouncing up and down and his hands shaking. Bella put her hand on his legs and Cissy took  his hands in hers. They finished there food and headed to the dorms, they calmed him down. He went to bed. 

The next day he got up and dressed. Cissy walked him to his first class, Potions with Professor Slughorn. Cissy hugged him, then let him go to class. He did his class and at lunch he went to find Sirius. He caught up with him as he and his friends were sat outside. He approached them. He said in a soft tone "Sirius can we talk?" 

Sirius replied "No need to your a Slytherin." 

Reggie said "Sirius please. I am sorry." 

Sirius said "There is nothing to talk about Reggie. Your just like the rest of them." 

Reggie stood still and didn't talk or move for a while. But tears started to fill up his eyes and he ran off. James turned to Sirius and said "Sirius that was harsh. He is your little brother." 

Sirius said "James since when did you call me Sirius?" 
Remus said "Yeah I agree with Prongs that was harsh." Pete stayed quiet but nodded in agreement. James said "I'm gonna check if your brother is alright." James got up and left the group. He headed in the general direction of were Reggie disappeared to. He found him in the corner with his head in his shaking hands. he sat next to him and Said "Are you alright Regulus?" Reggie nodded taking in shaky breaths. He muttered "Get Cissy please." So that's what James did. James rushed around the enter school and found Cissy in a huddle of Slytherin's. He nudged her then beckoned her. She went over, and said "What do you want?" 

James said "It's Regulus, he can't breath and his hands are shaking." Cissy eyes darted and she knew what to do she looked back over to the group and said "Bella! We need to go now." She rushed over and followed Cissy who was following James. They were running. James showed them to Regulus. They sat and talked him through it and calmed him down. Once Regulus had calmed down Cissy was sat on one side and Bella was in front. They wanted to keep him calm. After a while Regulus pulled his head up and looked at James and said "Thank you." James nodded and left Reggie in the safe hands of his cousins. 

James made his way back to the group Moony said "What took you so long?" 

James replied "I had to go get his cousins, he was suffocating." 

Sirius eyes darted "Prongs? Is he okay?" 

James replied "Yeah he is now." 

James didn't see Regulus for the rest of the day not even at dinner. He saw Cissy taking food back to the dorms. He was worried about him.

A/N: Hey first post for this story. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading.

Immi x

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