Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Dexius released my shoulders and stepped back and I instantly felt his loss. I took a step toward him and he took one back, making me go still.

Come back.

I wanted to touch him. The insane urge to grab him in my arms and hold him and never let go was almost overwhelming. It made my stomach twist into a giant knot and drop. My fingers itched to caress his soft skin, my mouth wanting to find his and latch on. I wanted so many things at once and Dexius was the center of it all, but there was something about him that made me remain where I was.

The boyish glimmer in his eyes was gone, the playful dimple in his cheek no longer visible— not even his smile was there. His lips, now paler in color, were pursed into a thin line, his jaw so tense I could see a vein throbbing in his throat, and his eyes cold hard icicles.


"Get out," Dexius growled, "You are the epitome of stupidity for coming here, especially with Atlan on the loose." His words normally would've been joking and teasing, but there was such a harsh barb behind it that I flinched. That tone of voice... it sounded so cold.

Was this really Dexius? My Dexius? The one who stripped in the middle of the city to run away from his responsibilities? The one who made jokes and played hide-and-seek with me?

"D-Dexius," I managed, struggling to find my voice, loathing the tremor in it that hadn't been in my voice since I met Dexius, "You're here. Y-You—"

"Yes, yes," Dexius said angrily, snatching at my wrist now and dragging me down the hallway, "We do not have time for this. Hannibal and the others are wondering where you went. They are two tunnels down. Find them and get out as soon as possible." His words snapped something inside me and I tore my wrist out of his grip, making him whirl on me with a snarl, making me take a step back, frightened by his reaction, but I managed to muster up some of my own rage.

"Dexius, stop!" I shouted. He glared at me.

"We do not have time to stop! You woke up the Xios!" He snarled. I scowled.

"The what— Oh." I froze. I had completely forgotten the Xios even existed. They were demonic creatures that prowled the underworld to help Zetnos keep the souls in check, and to keep out intruders. Supposedly they were in a coma state when everything returned.

"Yeah, oh," Dexius said dryly, then grabbed my wrist again, pulling me along, "Get to your group and get out as soon as possible—"

"No," I said again angrily, yanking my arm from Dexius's grasp and making his eyes flash angrily as he whirled to glare at me, "I came here to see you and I won't leave until I speak with you!" Dexius's eyes widened at that and he grabbed my shoulders, giving me a fierce shake that shocked me.

"Are you stupid?! You came down here to talk to a dead man? Of all the stupid things you have done, this is dangerously close to the top," He snarled, then roughly let go of me to step back, pushing a hand through his hair in frustration, "You do realize Atlan is out there hunting you down and wanting to turn your corpse into a decoration for his palace." I glared at him.

"Yes, I realize that, but I don't care. I'm not afraid of Atlan. You know that." I said. Dexius's eyes glowed menacingly and I swallowed hard, taking another step back from him, this time bumping my back against the wall and I looked up as Dexius advanced on me, getting so close I could... feel the coldness of his skin, smell the mildew on his breath, the sting of death.

"Oh, yes, I know," Dexius said in a low deadly tone, "You seem ever eager to anger the one power beyond either of our control. I don't know why you came down here to speak to me, because I have nothing to say to you." His words felt like cold bullets slicing through me. A painful tightening in my chest choked me and I tried to find the words to ask why he was acting like this, why he was so angry. Did he... blame me for his death?

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