Part 5 - why

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I wake up to the dreadful sound of my alarm I press snooze a couple of times until I got up. I was doing my regular morning routine. When I went down stairs I found my mom in the kitchen just sitting there she usually isn't awake jet but she just looks at me and slaps me with all her strength and says " it's all your fault " then she just leaves.
I went back up to my room put my self together and put a little bit more concealer on the spots that my face was a little bit more red and went to school.
I picked up Candice and she told me all about how her mother was annoying her so much and all of her struggles she knew about what was going on at my house and we had a deal as long as It didn't get too bad we wouldn't talk about it because she had a secret just like mine, her dad hit her a lot and her mom was a bit twisted when it came to punishment, it could range from eating from a bowl on the floor and sleeping in a cage in the garage like a dog to locking her in a room for the weekend with little to no food or even sometimes she would force her to hurt herself. She got the worst of it because she had a deal with her parents as long as they would never touch her little brothers she was willing to take it all. I truly admire her.
We have a dew code words that we say to each other every morning. If everything is ok we say " what a jolly day " if last night was uneventful we say " It's such a dotty day " if something really bad happened we say " the apple fell today and then we just go somewhere quiet and we talk

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