YOU ARE READING A Book filled with Earth x Air Screenshots Romance I think Earth x Air is a Cute Ship, So I've made a whole Book about it so You guys can see all the different Scenarios that I will put Earth and Air in for each ship Screen shot #airxearth #cute #earthxair #humanwubboxes #msm #mysingingmonsters #ship #wubbox Image 2 90 1 0 by Sh3llyFossilian by Sh3llyFossilian Follow Share Publicar en tu perfil Compartir por correo electrónico Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Publicar en tu perfil Compartir por correo electrónico Reportar Historia Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. EEEEEEEEEEK! THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!