chapter one

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𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

"Ellie! El! Help me! Save me!" The young six year old kicked her body out as her night terror took her body.

The 14 year old chained up beside the young girl immediately brought her closer in attempt to protect the girl from anything she would ever face. "Emmy wake up, your okay, I got you." Ellie whispered. 

Emily's eyes fluttered open revealing her blue watery eyes as her bottom lip quivered. Ellie looked down sympathy filling her thoughts, Emily was just so young, too innocent for this world. This was one of the reasons she was so overprotective of the girl, that and of course the fact Emily was the only family Ellie has and she loved her dearly. "Hey kiddo, don't cry, I've got you." She placed a gentle kiss on her head.

"T-they had me! The monster eat me el!" Emily shrieked as her body shook of fear. In that moment Ellie didn't know what to say, her words were stolen, had it been any normal kid living in a normal world the 14 year old would be able to comfort the young in saying nothing like that would ever happen, however the world isn't normal everything that was in the 6 year olds nightmares could definitely become 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺. It was a possibility that Emily could be consumed by the zombies outside. Ellie refused to let that overtake her mind though, she would always protect the little girl cuddled into her arms, always. "I'll never let them get to you, never, I pinkie promise." Ellie held out her pinkie.

"What a pinkie promise?" Emily looked up, her watery eyes now full of curiosity.

"I don't know, some shit I seen these girls doing, thought of you though." Ellie wiped a tear from her little sisters face. "It's like better than a promise, something that can't ever be broken."

Emily looked up at her sister, eyes glistening with love. "Pinkie promise." She intertwined her tiny pinkie with Ellie's bigger one.

"Ellie?" She questioned. "Why they chain you?" She pointed down at the chain attached to her older sister. The question has been asked multiple times by the younger sister but Ellie never found a way to tell her. The truth was Ellie was here because they were making sure she doesn't turn into one of those monsters, one of the monsters Emily frequently has nightmares about.

The 6 year old was only able to see Ellie for 3 hours a day, the rest the pair was isolated and separated for 'protection'. This was only allowed because after Ellie was found she demanded someone go back to check on Emily the reason being that Ellie was the only person there to care for Emily, without her the six year old was lost. However, that wasn't all that happened, when a firefly made it to the girls room Emily wasn't there, she had been taken. Three weeks later the firefly's found the young girl outside the walls, beaten, covered in blood and overall traumatised. The firefly's couldn't leave the girl especially now, no one knew who took the girl but it was suspected a FEDRA soldier which puts her in danger of it happening again, and of course the firefly's couldn't leave her not when her sister's immune, there's a chance Emily could be too.

Ellie's silence to the question her sister asked was soon interrupted when three figures was seen coming towards the pair. Ellie knew what this meant and instantly pushed Emily behind her as she took stand in front of the young girl. "El don't let them take me." She cried into the back of her sisters leg, she hated this part of the day.

"You're not taking her, motherfuckers!" Ellie snapped as they came closer. This happened everyday for 5 days now, ever since Emily came back. Ellie would try to fight the men off but it was no use and they would take her sister and she'd have to wait hours alone wondering if Emily was okay.

The men didn't say anything but moved closer to the sister duo. Two went at Ellie attempting to grab her and stop her from attacking whilst the other made their way around to grab the younger girl even though her too would throw a couple punches, screaming for them to stop. Ellie's attempt of stopping them wasn't successful and the men began walking away, now with Emily kicking out in their arms.

"Your gonna pay, you fuckers! That's my sister you can't keep her from me!" Ellie screamed in anger before trying to pull the chain she's attached to lose.

Emily was giving up on trying to kick the man that had her when they reached her room. They placed her down before then placing a chain on her arm to. They can't take no chances in Emily escaping. No chances, no opportunities.

The girl waited until she knew the guards was gone so she could reach under her old, scruffy blanket she had been given, she pulled out a little toy giraffe. It was made of cheap material and one of the legs were broken but Emily adored it anyway. The greatest treasure to her wasn't money because money didn't matter anymore, it wasn't food because that only meant surviving one more day, not living, in her eyes finding that little toy was everything. It was the only thing that she had when she was taken from her sister, the only other thing that she felt could keep her somewhat safe. The feeling would never take away from being with her sister though, because when she was in Ellie's arms she knew nothing would get closer enough to hurt her, Ellie wouldn't let it.

Grabbing the toy Emily began playing with it, swinging it around in her little arms, making it take jumps on the floor whilst making little noises she thought they'd make if they were real. They were real of course, Emily just didn't know it. "I'm going to call you magic." the little girl kissed the broken toys head, something her sister Ellie done to her many times, she sees it as a symbol of love and compassion which she had for the little toy. The sight was precious to see, to see how a little girl appreciated something so small and broken, it almost reflected her, small and broken. The world around her was so broken, she and her sister were chained up and didn't even have a bed but somehow Emily appreciated the one thing she had, a broken, old toy. 

As Emily sat playing, the older sister also sat in her 'room' however, her emotions were much different. It wasn't like Ellie to shed a tear, she often kept her emotions private but today? Today was different, today her emotions was to much. 

As a tear slid down her face the only thing she could picture was her sister. It broke her heart that Ellie's the only person Emily has, Ellie slightly remembers her mother and that's something Emily would never get the opportunity to say.  

More tears fell as she realises that whilst they're here she can't ensure Emily's safety, hell she can't even promise that the young girl is safe with her now. What if the infection is just taking her over slower than others? The fireflies, they think she's going to turn so maybe she will? Maybe she'll become one of the monsters Emily frequently has nightmares about.

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