Pakhi a wronged soul?

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Pakhi stood at the door of her daughter's bedroom watching her daughter who is enthusiastically getting dressed up to have a day out with her cousins. Once done dressing up Varni passed Pakhi while giving her a mandatory/forced smile. Pakhi followed her daughter so that she can send off her, but on stepping out of main door she noticed Varni happily hugging Maya while Samrat is instructing the kids the do's and don'ts. Not only that she also noticed Maya handing her some cash while Samrat stuffing his card in her valet despite her denial. Soon the kids sped off for the day.

Pakhi walked inside her room, she looked around each and every corner of the room and tears rolled from her eyes involuntarily. There was a time when Pakhi dreamt of owning the same room along with its resident but now the same room is suffocating her and reminding her of her loveless marriage.

She slowly occupied the couch of the room with her daughter's photo in one hand and her and Virat's marriage photo in another. She looked at her marriage photo... once to safeguard this relation she ignored her daughter to such extent that Varni found her solace in Samaya. She didn't even realize that her daughter is going distant from her, but when she realized and tried to work on it, it's late way too late. She revisited that day when she had a chat with her 16 yrs daughter with an aim to reconcile, in a belief that she would atleast understand her.


Varnika sat numb at her place looking at Pakhi in disbelief, who is expecting her daughter to support her deeds after she narrated her story from day 1 to till date. Her being just 16 yrs can clearly differentiate the right and wrong couldn't sympathize with her biological mother a 44 year woman who is still under impression that she is right.

She came out of her trance when Pakhi said...Bada u can understand ur mother na, Sai and Samrat are responsible for mine and Virat's separation, they had wronged me. Pakhi stopped with her rant when Varni chuckled looking at her.

Varni was amazed with her mother's stupidity or obsession whatever it is for her biological father. She looked at Pakhi and spoke... Aai ur thought process amaze me like u still blame Sai mami and Samarat baba for ur and Mr Virat Chavan's deeds. Since we are having this discussion let's go step by step

1. U fell in love with a person and dreamt of marrying him on a mere meet of 2 days at some resort.... ok for time being let's ignore the time span as people are getting married just an hour or so meet in an arranged marriage.

2. In ur ego of being not identified by ur lover u gave ur consent to marriage, while just having a damn one conversation would solve the entire misunderstanding.

3. U kept Samrat baba in dark and married him just to be close to ur lover. U should atleast come clean with baba, because if baba knew about ur love story he would never proceed with the marriage.

4. U are pinpointing on how Mr Virat Chavan failed to fulfill his promise of not having another women in his life, while u failed in fulfilling all ur marital vows.

5. U never left any chance to get close to ur lover/devar while being married to his brother.

6. U were always been a 3rd wheel in Sai mami's marriage.

7. Ur intentions on being a surrogate mother to Vinu dada. etc......

Varnika felt rueful at her mother's audacity of playing victim after all her atrocities. She looked at Pakhi who was looking at her with tears, she took a deep breath and said.... Aai neither Sai mami nor Samrat baba are responsible for ur pain as they were kept in dark about ur and ur husband's love at the time of marriage, the persons solely responsible are Mr Virat Chavan who gave u hope and later ditched u and u yourself for never coming clean and never taking a stand about ur love, infact with ur selfish reasons u ruined Samrat baba's life by marrying him and later ruined Sai mami's life by snatching her family.

Varni didn't bother with the ashen face of her biological mother and continued...and haa two things please stop with this reconciliation thing as I made peace with the truth that u love ur husband and ur relation with him is ur priority above any relation and anyone, second thing I would thank u on behalf of Samrat baba and Sai mami as ur marriage with Mr Virat Chavan helped them to move on in their lives with a loving and caring partners.... saying so she turned to leave, however she stopped in her tracks and asked....By the way I have a question............... Is he worthy?

Looking at Pakhi's question mark face Varni elaborated... U lost ur relation with ur parents, children and ur morality and dignity for Mr Virat Chavan, Is he worth all those let go offs?

But Pakhi didn't have answer to her daughter's question. Find the answer... saying so Varni walked out of the conversation. Since then Varni's relation with her biological mother is cordial than compared to earlier and always had never bothered relation with her biological father.


Pakhi walked towards the window in her room and looked at the SN garden where the atmosphere is filled with happiness and glanced at everyone included in it finally her eyes landed on her daughter who had long found her parents in Samrat and Maya. Her eyes later moved to Sai who is back hugged by her husband and her face glowed with slight tint of blush on her cheeks and eyes shining with content.

She hated Sai from the 1st day itself. It didn't bother her even when Samrat cut communication with her when he came to know about his brother's and her betrayal, but Sai's presence as Virat's wife bothered her to core. She dreamed of being Virat's wife and would do anything for it, but Sai who was living her dream never wanted it, this increased her hatred towards Sai. She did many unethical and immoral things in her hatred. She couldn't digest when Virat fell for Sai and it became her sour point. She didn't leave any chance to break apart Sai and Virat. After Samrat's death she even stooped to such a level of illegal surrogacy and attack on Sai with only one intention i.e to snatch Virat from Sai. She is successful in it and now Virat is her husband, but she never gained or felt a single ounce of love from him.

She looked at Virat who is standing next to her, but looking at Sai who is in the arms of her husband surrounded by her kids. She took a final glance at Sai and Samrat whose faces are radiating happiness and walked back to her bed.

She laid on her bed and covered herself with quilt and looked at the ceiling, today she had her answer to Varni's question...... Is he worthy? .......The answer is NO.

She wished she never met Virat nor she hanged onto every promise he made. If that had happened then she would have a happy family of her own. But all are if's only if's.

End of the story........

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