Chapter 4

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Samrat u cannot talk to Virat like that said Pakhi, when Samrat accused Virat.

All looked at her as if she is dumb, as whatever Samrat spoke is not wrong. Pakhi who is soo into justifying her relation with Virat didn't realize the mocking glares she earned from the people present there.

Samrat, Sai left the house on her own accord despite my apologizes and pleadings from the family, not only that she took Vinayak with her she separated Vinayak from Virat and also from the family...while speaking something clicked in her mind she looked at Sai and asked Sai where is Vinayak?

Sai who has been hearing Pakhi's rants, stiffed at Pakhi's question about her son, her mother instincts kicked in and all the events surrounding her son flashed infront of her, she took a step forward and glared at Pakhi and spoke in clear and firm words... Stay away from my son.

Pakhi was scared at the intensity of Sai's words and stepped back. Sai again took a step towards her and said... my child is off limits Mrs.Patralekha Virat Chavvan.

Aye Sai how can u speak to Pakhi like that said Sonali. Sai looked at her and said not only her this is to the entire CF... don't u even dare to take a glance at my son, I swear this time along with this baccha chor u all will be behind bars and (pointing at Virat) ur this so called efficient officer DCP Mr Virat Chavvan also will not be able save u.

The CF are frightened on hearing Sai's words and stood in silence. Virat who wanted to oppose Sai's words cannot even speak a word on seeing her determination. Even now he didn't understand why Sai is so angry at them, all he wanted was Sai and Pakhi to rise Vinu together.

Pakhi's parents walked towards Sai, folded their hands and said, Beti please forgive us, we are responsible for Pakhi's behaviour.

Sai nodded her head as no and held their hands and said Please don't take the blame when u are not aware of her misdoings, so there is nothing to forgive.

They smiled at her and creased her hair and said... God bless u my child. If u don't mind can we meet ur child they asked Sai.

Sai smiled at them and said definitely, u can meet him after 2 days, as he is sick now u will not be able to spend some quality time with him.

Pakhi who didn't like everyone questioning her and favoring Sai including her parents found a chance to sack down Sai when she heard that Vinu is sick and took the chance by blaming Sai... See Virat and see everyone how irresponsible she is towards her child. Sai if ur incapable to take care of Vinu why did u take him with u, I would have raised him well as I'm also his mother.

Sai chuckled at Pakhi and said Patralekha even if u gave birth to my golu, both biologically and legally I'm his mother, ur just a surrogate sorry illegal surrogate and I'm capable of raising him better than u all pointing at the CF.

Samrat who saw that Omi kaku is going to speak or more likely to taunt Sai, beat him and asked Sai...what happened to golu Sai?, he also noticed that she addressed her son as golu.

Arey dada he is fine he got vaccinated yesterday, so he's little cranky said Sai, continuing Sai Mansi kaku spoke he just slept now and Pulkit is taking care of golu and Harini.

Let's go na then, it's time for him to meet his bapa said Samrat enthusiastically. All looked at him in confusion and questioned bapa?

Arey bade papa, in short bapa. If he calls bade papa na, it feels like I'm old, so he will address me as bapa said Samrat.

Sai, Shivani, Mansi and Devi looked at each other and then looked at Samrat and burst out in laughter. I'll definitely make him address u as bade papa said Sai laughing at Samrat.

Samrat got annoyed at Sai's words, he glared at Sai and said we will see later but for now lets go saying so he wrapped Sai's shoulder one side and his mother the other side and walked out of CN followed by Devyani and Shivani to their new destination, life and happiness.

Samrat's arrival brought happiness to Sai, Mansi lives and a never ending nightmare to the CF.

Once Sai and Samrat left, the guests also left disgusted by the CF deeds....Bhavani Chavvan's birthday celebration and Virakhi's anniversary celebration party busted out their atrocities and they lost their stand and respect in society.


It's been a month since the fateful day, life of Sai and Samrat is going smoothly where they focused on their careers and living their life to the fullest. Whereas it is disastrous to the CF they were banished by the society and people started mocking them. There was a time when the CF used to be proud of themselves and mocked others, now tables have been turned, they became the laughing stock and once the victims of their ego now never missed their chance to insult them.

Their ever pride CN is also split into half, as Samrat along with his marriage annulment with Pakhi also claimed his rights over CN as half of the property belong to his mother. The rest half is owned by Bhavani, Ninad, Omi and Shivani. Sivani had written off power of attorney of her part to Samrat, so basically 7/10 ths of the property is under Samrat, where they were banished to live.

Pakhi was happy with the closed chapters of Sai and Samrat, as her dreams of having a family with Virat is going to be fulfilled from now on. Unknown to her, her dreams will remain dreams only.

Virat is guilt ridden and parting words of Samrat will never let him be at peace... While leaving the CN with his mother and god sister Samrat turned towards Virat and said... I wish Sai's father would have saved a dog instead of u, it would be loyal and empathetic towards Sai. No matter how much he try to forget those words they come back haunting him.

He lost his respect on work front also, as his colleagues are also present at the party. He covering up the atrocities of his family and also siding them led to distrust on his ethical and professional behaviour. Once he held the top priority in assisting and solving the cases, now was limited to paper work. Once he held respect and appreciation from his superior to his subordinates now was ridiculed on his face with sheer disgust as to them he is a characterless man who is in a illicit relation with his vahini.

Of all things, what he is guilty off and regret the most is his consummation of his marriage with Pakhi. Being vexed up with all the happenings both in personal and professional front, he resorted to consumption of alcohol and on one such day he crossed his line which he never meant to.

That's all for the day.

What does the future hold for Sai, Samrat, Virat and Pakhi?

Any different views on any happenings of the story?

Let me know in the comments.

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