Chapter 2

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July 5th, 1982

"Mom! I'm home! Will's with!" Jeff smiles as he bursts through the screen door in the kitchen. He slips his converse off and sets them behind the door as he walks in through the kitchen and into the living room.

His mom, sitting in her recliner crocheting, looks up at him and Will, smiling. "Hey boys! How are you guys? Hungry?" She asks softly.

"Yes, ma'am. Walking in the woods makes you starve ma" Jeff chuckles and flops on the greenish velvet couch as he turns the TV on.

Will follows, flopping next to him and smiles at Jeff's mom. "I love your cooking, Mrs. Isbell. It's so delicious no matter what ya make!" He chuckles and smiles.

"Well, thank you, William! I'm glad you enjoy my cooking. Dinner is in the oven now. It's roasted potatoes with beef and mac and cheese! So I hope you two are hungry, " she says, standing up and laying her half done blanket on the seat of the recliner. She walks out towards the kitchen to tend to the cooking food.

Will looks over at Jeff and smiles as he sees him already looking over at him. "What?" He chuckles a little and cocks his head to the side. "What are you staring at you weirdo?" He laughs and shoves Jeff's shoulder playfully.

"Nothing. Just looking at you, " Jeff says quietly and chuckles to himself after looking away and back towards the TV screen. The TV was playing a game show that neither one of them was really paying attention to.

"You nervous?" Will asks quietly as he slowly slides towards Jeff on the couch, the outside of their thighs now touching.

Jeff's face slowly turns red as he looks over at Will. "A-About what?" He asks, his head fuzzy as butterflies glide around his stomach.

"Talking to your mom?" Will says confused and laughs. "What else would you be nervous about, dumby?" He says and shakes his head.

"Oh yeah- um." Jeff whispers, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah. Kind of. I don't know how she's gonna take it. I hope good, because no matter what she says I'm going with you." He says and looks over at him.

"You are?" Will says, his eyes lighting up and him standing up on the couch, his black socks making divots on the cushions of the couch. "Really?! You're going with me!?" He says and smiles widely.

Jeff looks up at him and chuckles. "Obviously. You're my best friend Will. Why wouldn't I go with you across the country? I know what I've heard about LA, and I don't want you being alone there, " he says, also standing up.

"Oh my god! I'm so glad you are. I wanted you to come with me so badly. You're my best friend too, and I don't know what I would do without you, Jeffery!" Will says, wrapping his somewhat muscular arms around Jeff's neck and hugging him tightly. "Thank you so much!" He whispers into his shoulder and smiles.

Just then, Jeff's mom walks into the living room and smiles at the boys. "Dinner is done boys, what's all the carrying on about?" She chuckles as she hands them plates, walking back out into the kitchen. "Jeff honey, will you help me set the table? Your dad should be home at any minute," she smiles.

"Of course, mom," Jeff says and walks out behind her, setting the plate from his hand onto the placemat. "And there is something we need to talk to you about over dinner. That's what we are excited about.." he says nervously.

"It's about time you two tell me that news!" She says, assuming what the news is.

"What?" Both of the boys say at the same time. "What news, mom?" Jeff asks, confused

She chuckles and looks at both of them. "That you two are together! I've been waiting to hear that for almost two years now! It's about time!" She says

"Woah!" Will says and blushes heavily

"Mom! No!" Jeff says embarrassed. He pinches the bridge of his nose, scrunched his nose up, and sighs. "We are not together!" He says, looking at her, his face all red. "I'm moving to LA with Will. We are pursuing our dreams of starting a band. That's the best place to do it. There are so many open opportunities, and the scene in LA always changes. There's so much for us to be able to do there, " he says quickly as he looks down at his mom, being a little taller than her.

Will stands there awkwardly as he plays with the sleeve to his shirt. "Anyone want a coke?" He asks, slowly walking towards the fridge.

Everyone ignores him as Jeff's mom stares up at her son. "You're moving to Los Angeles?" She whispers as she takes a deep breath. "My baby is moving across the country?" She asks herself as she looks down towards the table. "Jefferey, that's such a big thing for you two - especially alone. You guys are 17!" She says and sighs. "I know it's your dream, baby boy, but I'm so scared for you!" She says, walking towards Jeff and caressing his cheek. "Are you sure this is what you guys both want?" She asks softly as she looks into his eyes. "Because if this is truly what you want, I will support you 100 percent. I'll even help you guys with expenses and packing, " she says softly, but tears where in her eyes.

"This is what we want, mom." Jeff whispers as he looks down at her. "This has been my dream at least since I was 7. I've always wanted to be a guitarist playing in a band. Will has wanted to sing in a band, for I don't even know how long. He has such an amazing voice. We can do this. Our dreams can come true. We just need to be in the right spot for them to." He whispers, putting his hand over hers on his cheek.

"Aww..." Will whispers as he cracks open his can of coke and takes a sip, admiring this mama and her boy have a moment.

"Then I support you both 100 percent." She whispers and smiles as she looks at both of them. "This is still a big decision for you. But you know you can lean on me and your dad to support you both. Will, you're like our second son. We will help you however you need it, whenever you need it." She smiles and walks towards him and gives him a hug. "I'm proud of the young men you both are becoming. You two are so mature, and I am so proud, " she smiles. "How much are bus tickets?" She asks as she grabs her purse from the hook behind the kitchen door.

Will and Jeff look at each other, smiling widely. "We are not sure yet, Mrs. Isbell. We haven't checked the station yet. Maybe after dinner, we will walk downtown and check, " Will says as he sits down at the table.

She nods and smiles as she sets her bag back up on the metal hook. "That sounds like a plan. Jeff, what are you planning on bringing with? You're gonna have to pack a lot. Both of you" she says.

"Well, um. I don't have very much stuff to begin with, " Will whispers and looks down. "I have a bed and a few outfits and my school bag. That's it, " he chuckles sarcasticly.

"That's okay. I'll give you some money so once you get there you can get some new stuff. Your money will go towards a hotel, at least for the first week or so. Go out apartment hunting and job hunting to save enough for your guyss place. " she smiles and sets the food in the middle of the table.

Jeff nods and takes a sip of the water from the glass. "That's exactly what I was planning on doing." he chuckles and wipes his mouth.

"Los Angeles, here we come!" Will says excitedly as he smiles at Jeff.

1357 words for second chapter. Let's gooo.

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