Chapter 1

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It was all wrong you see.
What does "all" mean you ask?
Well, I'll tell you.
I'm Luke btw...
And I'm gonna tell you a bit about me.
Let's start with 15 year old Luke.
He was a jock, the captain of the football team (for all you americans soccer) he was a good looking guy and a complete player.
Hook up there hook up here, girl after girl, breaking hearts after hearts, cold as ice.
But the most broken heart, was his.
You're thinking, why is his heart broken?
He's the player not the victim.
I'll explain it to you, by telling you the whole story, I hope you have time, cause it's a hell of a story.

So everything started when I (Luke) was quite young,
I've always had a problem with myself and yea I struggled a lot dealing with it.
My mom left me and my dad when I was 6, I remember every single second of that night
It was dinner time, I came downstairs, I heard screaming, when I went into the kitchen the screaming stopped.
Mommy and dad were sitting across from each other.
Mommy looked scared, she had tears in her eyes, I could the see fear in her eyes.
Dad was angry, glaring at mommy, he's always angry at mommy.
I sat down and started eating, didn't dare say a word.
Dad took a bite of his steak.
Mommy didn't touch her food.
Dad looked up at her and growled:
„Why aren't you eating?! I made this for you, eat now."
I heard how dad was trying to contain his anger.
Mommy didn't say a word.
Dad jumped up from his chair and stomped over to mom, he grabbed her by the coller of her shirt and ripped her off of her chair.
Mommy started crying, she told me to go to my room.
I didn't move, I couldn't, I was to scared.
Dad glared at me, he threw mommy onto the kitchen counter and screamed at her
He told her what a failure she was and how she doesn't appreciate anything he does for us.
He doesn't do anything for us
he was never there for us,
during the day he would go have fun and not give a shit that Mommy's working her ass off for us.
My mom didn't say a word, as always.
This happened every day
Dad being mean to mommy,
Mommy was too scared to do anything, dad's a monster.
Dad grabbed her by her hair and hissed at her
He said: „You're not going to say anything?! You're pathetic you know that Liz , no wonder Luke's turning out to be a stupid fucker, like you."
Mommy looked shocked, she slapped dad and told him
never ever to say anything about her baby.
I've never seen mommy that angry
Daddy was furious, he punched her.
She fell onto the ground and he didn't hesitate to kick her in the stomach
I was petrified
I screamed and cried, I begged dad to stop.
He spit on her, grabbed his keys and left.
Mommy was coughing blood.
She tried to get up but she couldn't, she was hurt.
I didn't know what to do, I got some ice to cool the bruises.
I stayed by her side until she was strong enough to get up.
She looked at me with her beautiful but hurt eyes, and said: „Thank you baby, you know mommy loves you right?"
I nodded.
She gave me a kiss on the forehead and went to her room.
I went to get ready for bed, it was late.
I was already in bed, ready to go to sleep, when mommy came into my room, she was fully dressed and had a bag with her.
I was puzzled,
Where are you going mommy?
She whispered: „Mommy's going away for a while baby,I can't stay here anymore it's not safe for me, do you understand that?"
I nodded, but I didn't understand what she meant, at the time.
She was crying, she kissed me and told me she loved me more than anything else in the world and left,
She was gone, she never came back, well at least till now she hasn't.

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