Should I Trust You?

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Farmer's POV:

     "What happened to your leg?!" I ask, worriedly. "Mind your damn business." The strange skeleton annoyingly said back. Why was he so rude? Appreciate that I'm helping ya. I say under my breath. "Pardon?" I couldn't tell if he was trying to seem threatening or if he actually didn't hear what I said. His emotions are so hard to tell apart.

  After I put the bandages on his leg I stood up, feeling a little nauseous, and asked if he wanted any food. I'm guessing he hasn't eaten in awhile or he just loves food because of the way he acted when I said food. He seemed like he had a burst of energy, excitement even? He definitely didn't want to show that he was excited but he couldn't help it. "I'll go ahead and get started on it then!" I go into the kitchen and start to think about what I want to cook. I grabbed two boxes of noodles, red and white unions, peppers, chicken broth, spices, some actual chicken, a pot, and a cutting board. (Chicken Noodle Soup!)

-----Time skip-----

I see the skeleton popping his head in the kitchen in search to see if the food was done. "Whatcha doing there, bud?" I ask with a warm smile. "I'm just checking to see if you finished food yet..." "It is not done yet, but if you want you can help!" I reply back to him. I could hardly hear him, but I swear I heard him say underneath his breath Only because you helped me. I'm sure he didn't mean to say it out loud, so I didn't react to it just to spare him the embarrassment. "I didn't catch your name?" I say, trying to start small talk. "It's Horror, you?" He replied back while he grabbed a knife to cut some of the green peppers. "I'm Farmer, Farm for short." I spoke back to him. I observed Horror within the silence. "Ya good there, Horror? You don't seem so great." I said worryingly. He didn't say anything back to me, almost like if he was ignoring me or he was spaced out. "Umm... Horror?" I speak once again in a worried tone. He looked at me as if I reminded him of someone he hasn't seen in a long time. "Horror, what is wrong?" I spoke with a bit concern. "Nothing, don't worry about it." He said with sadness in his eyes. He grabbed the cutting board with the cut up peppers and slid the peppers into the pot. I didn't want him to feel worse or him to feel obligated to tell me what was wrong so I just let it go. I stirred the steaming chicken noodle soup as it filled the air with a delicious scent. I grabbed a spoon to taste the food Horror helped me cook. "Mmm!

We did good, Horror!" I said with a warm smile, trying to forget about what Horror was feeling. Horror grabbed the spoon out of my hand and tasted the food. His face lightened up a little bit. "Good, right?" He nodded at my statement. "Here, let me get ya a bowl" I said as I grabbed both of us a bowl from the cabinet that was near the sink. I gave one of the bowls to Horror and he immediately started getting some food. I followed after him.

  After we ate, I put the left over food up and then wash the dishes while Horror tried helping as much as he could. I didn't really have much I needed his help with, so I told him to go ahead and sit down on the couch. It didn't take but only 20 minutes for me to finish everything since there was only a few dishes. I go to the living room where I see Horror there rubbing his wrist through his jacket. "Ya good there, bud?" I asked, concerned. "Just itchy" he replied. "Well, if you need to, I can give you some spare clothes and show you the bathroom so you can shower?" He nodded in return, so I helped him up and led him up the stairs. I went in my slightly messy room and looked in my closet for some clothes for Horror. I eventually found some oversized clothes for Horror. I looked back at Horror, only to see a sad face looking down. I walk over to him and give him the clothes. "Would you like to help me with the farm tomorrow?" I ask. He nodded with a small, obviously fake smile. I gently smile back at him.

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