I like tentacles....

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You threw your keys on your desk and crashed on your bed. You groaned. Why did today have to be so hard? First you spilled coffee on your new blouse, then found out you weren't supposed to turn in that project next week, you were supposed to present it to the supervisor today. Work had you stressed out and you didn't want to handle it anymore.

You then heard a light ringing in your ears, not too loud, so it wasn't an immediate concern. You gathered the motivation to get up to at least brush your teeth and get out of your uncomfortable work clothes. You checked your dresser for some comfortable pajamas but all of them were dirty.
Great. Just my luck. You thought to yourself. The ringing was getting slightly louder. You decided to just sleep in your underwear because everything else was dirty. You would just do laundry tomorrow.

Even though it had been no more than ten minutes since you got home, you felt even more tired. Almost like someone was controlling you. You got on your bed, threw a blanket over you and drifted off.

Your eyes slowly opened. You were in a dimly lit cave. You smelled something sweet, but you were unsure where it was coming from. You got up and you realized you were only wearing your underwear. You were alone. There was no need to be embarrassed and yet, you had a strange feeling you were being watched.

You looked around the cave and noticed that there was only one way to go. It would be more productive to make your way through the cave than to just stay here. This was probably just a dream so there were no consequences, but everything felt so real. The cold cave floor with patches of soft moss leaving a speckled pattern across. The drops of water falling from the ceiling. It didn't matter. This place couldn't possibly be real.

You walked into the next room where the sweet scent was even stronger. You noticed that your panties were slowly getting wet. You thought it was weird, but you kept walking. In the next room you felt a light mist. It didn't smell like water, but it didn't hurt when it came in contact with your skin. Then you noticed that your underwear was dissolving. You quickly tried to cover up, but then you heard a voice.

"There's no need to be embarrassed. You have a beautiful body." A husky voice called out.

"Who's there!" You yelled in a panic.

"I'm just here to try to ease your stress. Don't worry," Then you felt something slimy brush against your leg. "I'll be gentle."

"What are you going to do?" You asked, still panicked.

"It depends on what you desire. I won't do anything your body doesn't like." You felt the slimy appendage brush against your inner thigh.

"I… I don't…" you felt wrong for wanting this.

"Think about it," it paused, "how long has it been since you've been pleasured by someone else? Since you pleasured yourself? Let me give you a night of feeling pure ecstasy to ease your stress."

"I… okay." You said blushing.

You then saw what had been touching you. A  couple crimson tentacles wrapped around your limbs and gently set you on the cave floor. A tentacle touched your clit. You shuddered at the sensation. It started to move around, flicking your clit one direction, then another. Getting you ready to take a tentacle in your pussy. Another tentacle teases your entrance, sliding around the lips, then entering ever so slightly, backing out and going back to teasing. You whined and the voice chuckled

"Soon my pet." It said.

Another pair of tentacles started to play with your breasts, tracing the shape, then rubbing your nipples. Once it felt like you had been adequately teased, it slowly pushed into your pussy. It quickly found your g spot and started to move around causing you to moan.

"It's been so long since you had someone to love you like this pet. Just relax and let me take care of you tonight." It said.

The tentacles started to move faster, bringing you to your climax, but then they withdrew. You moved your hips to try to get stimulation, but nothing happened. You whined as it laughed.

"If you behave yourself then maybe I'll let you cum." It taunted.

Then the tentacles put you on all fours. You were panting from the first round and you weren't sure how much more you could take. You were top focused on your breathing that you didn't notice the tentacles moving around your ass. When you noticed it slowly made it through your tightest hole.

"Ow." You said.

Then a tentacle went in your mouth and released a sweet fluid that you had no choice to swallow. Surprisingly, the pain quickly dissolved and became an indescribable pleasure. When the tentacle felt like you were adequately prepared, it started to move around, exploring deep in your ass. Then the tentacle in your pussy started to move around, stimulating your g spot. No person in the world could ever give you pleasure like you were feeling now. You quickly climaxed.

You thought that the tentacles were going to stop, but they kept on going. Then you felt another press up against your ass. Finding resistance, a tentacle released that sweet fluid in your mouth, heightening your pleasure. At that point, your body felt like a wave, crashing down from the pleasure, but before you could get a break, another wave would hit you.

When you couldn't hold your own weight up anymore, the tentacles made you cum for the last time. You were lying there, panting and shaking from the pleasure you felt.

"Next time you feel like you need a bit of self care, play this music box." It handed you a purple music box with crimson tentacles around the edges.

You blacked out.

When you awoke, you scratched your head curious about that weird dream you had that night. Then you noticed that there was a purple music box, with crimson tentacles around the edges. Out of curiosity, you wound it up, and it started to play a nice melody. So nice. You drifted off.

"Back for more already?" It asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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