Can't take you anywhere - Butthead x reader

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I had been saving my money for ages to get my dream desk for my room. It was this lovely white desk and it would fit in my room easily the only problem was how much it was but now I had the money and was on my way to the shop. I didn't want to go alone so I asked my boyfriend if he would come with me and thankfully he agreed.

We were walking side by side butthead talking about some music video he had seen on the tv and how it was stupid but all I could think about was getting my desk. "Huh-huh then I kicked Beavis in the nuts huh-huh" I had been completely ignoring him by accident when he said that I was so confused. "Wait why did you kick Beavis in the balls".

He laughed that I had said balls but repeated his sentence "I said that Beavis wouldn't shut up so I kicked him in the nuts huh-huh". I just nodded but apologized "Sorry butthead I'm just a bit distracted all I can think about is getting my desk". He just said that it was fine and just continued telling me about how he had completely kicked Beavis' ass.

After a few minutes we got to the shop and I couldn't help but get excited. Butthead was about to say something but I had grabbed his hand and pulled him into the shop before he could. We got into the shop and I couldn't stop looking at everything all the couches and beds and little nightstand tables but before I could get sidetracked I started making my way to the desk bit of the shop.

While we were walking butthead turned to me "ugh where is the food in this shop". I just giggled a little "There is no food here just furniture that's why it's called a furniture shop butthead". He looked shocked for a second "So you're telling me that this shop sells like no food" I just nodded my head still looking for the desks.

He then started ranting about how a shop isn't a cool shop if it doesn't sell food. I told him that after I get this desk we can go to the Maxi-Mart and we can get some food. That made him happy so we went back to walking to the desks.

When I had found the desks I couldn't find the white one I had seen a while ago. I was panicking a little hoping that they hadn't sold all of them but I just kept looking. While I was looking I felt butthead tap me on the shoulder "huh-huh I'm going to head over there I see something cool".

I just told him that I was going to go ask an employee if they had the white desk in stock so I would come to find him in a second. Butthead walked away to look at whatever he had liked and I spotted an employee. I asked if they still had one of the white desks in stock because I couldn't see any. The employee said that they would go to the back to check and told me to just wait a minute.

When the employee came back with the desk in the box I was so happy. They said that I was very lucky because it was the last one there. I thanked the employee and took the box I was very happy and now the only thing I had to do was find butthead.

"HEY KID WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!". I went over to see what all the noise was and when I saw who the employee was shouting at I almost facepalmed. Butthead was standing next to a tv that's screen had been smashed by a tv remote.

Butthead looked over at the employee yelling at him. "I'm trying to watch tv while I wait on my girlfriend but it wouldn't turn on so I hit it huh-huh". The guy looked very pissed off and he stormed away most likely going to go get a manager or something. I rushed over and Butthead spotted me and smiled. "Hey baby you took forever can we go now and get food".

"you told me you were going to just look at something not break something". Butthead just shrugged "It wouldn't turn on and it was annoying me huh-huh" I just grabbed his hand and quickly walked to the till so I could pay and leave. I paid for the desk and gave them my address so they would be able to deliver it for me because I was not carrying that huge box all the way to mine.

When we got out of the shop I just turned to Butthead. "I still can't believe that you broke a tv you're lucky we got out of there quickly or you would have been made to pay for that". Butthead again just shrugged his shoulders "Well maybe they should sell working tv's then people wouldn't need to hit them".

I was about to again explain to him that I did work it just hadn't been plugged in till he pulled a fake flower out of his back pocket and held it out for me. "I saw this on and thought it was pretty and it made me think of you because you're also pretty so I grabbed it huh-huh". I took the flower from him and blushed I couldn't lie it was a very pretty fake flower.

I sighed but smiled. "Thank you Butthead it's very pretty". Butthead looked very pleased with himself and grabbed my hand "Huh-huh I knew you would like it now let's go get some food from the Maxi-Mart I'm starving". I just smiled and nodded but I definitely knew next time I ever had to go to a furniture shop again I would just go myself. 

Beavis and Butthead x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now