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*(y/n)s P.O.V*

I heard a voice coming from the trees as I pulled my knife I called to the voice "who's there!?" Midnight and I pressed back to back holding knives. We heard more twig snaps and two shadows appear. "who are you?" A girl stepped in front of us. "I'm bloody rose and this is spider bite" A girl came from behind her with her hood and hesitantly waved."What are you two doing in slender woods?" i pointed my knife at the two unknown girls. The girl smiled turning to the girl named Spiderbite "told you we were in the right place"I growl" that doesn't explain why your here!" i looked at the two and the second one came up.

"We were both asked to come here by a slenderman, We are killers as well but can we explain later  we need to get going something is in these woods and he isn't frien-" We heard a twig snap again and a deep growl. Midnight laughed "Oh hahaha you guys are funny now really?" Spider-bite stepped closer to Bloody Rose.

"Please can we go now!" Spider-bite pleaded to Midnight but Midnight gave me a confused gaze  when we heard out of the woods a massive screech. Midnight's eyes flashed orange and she stepped back falling when Rose looked at me. "Run!" I turned to see midnight getting up already while Spider-bite and Rose were already ahead and i turned to see a creature with inhuman length nails, a deep, low  and unsettling growl, it had an arched back and was gazing at you or what i seemed before it gave a howl and charged directly at you ready to pounce and kill. You couldn't move. Every instinct you had left you in that one moment. You prepared to fight but you saw it crash into a tree on its side. I looked gasping seeing Midnight heavy breathing. 

"G-get toby...NOW!" she nudged you to run jut before going back trying to buy you some time. You turned running swiftly after the two girls before hearing a shriek. It wasn't the rakes though.

-Time Skip-

You had made it with the two girls too Slender Mansion just when you crashed into Jeff. "Whoa whoa slow down whats going on?" You breathed heavy while Jeff was still holding you. "a c-creature attacked us when we ran into those two...Midnight saved  me but she bought me some...time" His had lowered "what the hell is the rake doing here... I'll get toby and silver." He turned and went inside the two girls stood there not knowing what to do. "you two wait here for now i'll ask laughing Jack to take you to slender." they nodded and sat on the ground. I called LJ, him appearing out of a cloudy smoke" Yeah?" I pointed to the two girls." Take them both to Slender, they are new killers." He nodded the two girls following him in. Not long two shadows appeared into the light Toby twitching hysterically. "Midnight!? Where is she?" Jeff grabbed him. "Slow down.. Now (y/n) can you lead us to her?" You nodded before running with them to where you had last seen Midnight but at arrival your attacker no where to be found only a barley conscious Midnight stabbed through the branch dangling in a tree.

Hey guys... I know i promised an update months ago but i was super totally stressed and i know i have many excuses but hear me out. I graduated 8th grade hooray!!! But i did have some trouble and drama with family and friends...My cousin in Alaska died.... But now its going good i should update a bit more before i go back to school. Im trying my best not to vent here... but anyway here's a bit of a really really late update... i may like i said re write some of this but i have summer school work ..i really need to do it so i have another elective in HS but im writing chapters for other stories to but this one is my main priority...well bye bye till next update my fluffy unicorns!

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