Party! / New Girls?

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After what felt like hours I was finally ready. I looked at my mirror.  My hair was curly, my makeup looked great along with my accessories.

"Oh maw zalgo!" (Y/n)  you look perfect! "Jill squealed.

"Thank you guys so m-"you were cut off by smile dog walking in half human.

"Slender said house meeting and (y/n) you look beautiful happy birthday! "

You blushed"thank you smiles! "As you all walked down stairs and saw everybody sitting 'round

"Whats up? "You asked as you sat beside smiles as he went back to dog form

"Well today we will be getting three new creepypasta members. "

"What! "You all exclaimed.

"Yes, they go by the names Nobody,bloody whisper and Midnight. "

"Wow they sound hot" ben said with a smirk.

Jane slapped him "perv!"

He whinned then jumped on jane pulling her hair "OW!" she grabbed his hair and ripped a chunk of his. "GAH!"he fell of gripping the side of his head."OKAY! ENOUGH!" Slenderman said prying them apart

"Anyway! They will be here  in an hour and I expect you ALL ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR! " he yelled the teleported to who knows where.

"Okay?...." you murmered.

Everyone madr their way to their room while jane and ben kept giving each other death glares then disappeared to their rooms.


"Hmm?" You turned to see silver behind you

Toby wants to know if you want pancakes and I want to know if you want to go on a walk with me later?

"Yes! And Yes!"

Toby walked in "I take that as a yes? "You nodded happily and followed silver and Toby to the kitchen.


"Pancakes are ready! " Toby flipped one onto your plate and poured syrup on.  "Mmmm! Toby they are delicious! "Thanks! " you Toby and silver all chowed down on some pancakes.

********10 mins.later********

"Ugh Im full" you said looking dizzy.

Toby giggled at you and went to do the dishes.

"You ready? "Silver asked

"Yea lemme grab my coat! " you walked up stairs.


She walked upstairs and toby came over. "You gonna do it? "He said drying his hands.

"Yes" I said pulling out the box from my pocket

"Good job silver and remember after the walk bring her to the lake for her party."

"Gotcha!" I said just as (y/n) walked in

"Lets go! " and with that we were out the door.


Me and silver walked out the door and into the woods.  I wonder why he wanted me to come out here?

****after long walk****

We finally made it to the destination.  And I slumped to the ground with silver gently sitting down with me

"So what's up!?" You said facing him

"E-eh not m-much" he stammered.  Hes so cute when he does that.

"Yup me too" you said sighing. There was a long silence till silvee broke it

"H-here (y/n) h-happy birthday! " he said pulling out a black box.

*gasp*! Thank you silver!  You opened it to see a pokè ball.

You pulled it out and gazed at it.  "Aww thank you silver!" You threw the pokè ball opening it to see pichu.

"Pi pichu!" I screamed dancing around.

"Awwwww its a pichu!" You literally screamed grabbing his attention it turned around and ran at you hugging you and you hugged back.

"Thank you so much silver! " You bear hugged him tightly.  He truly knew you.  You released your death hug and stared at him then the UNEXPECTED happened he came closer and KISSED you. After a second he pulled away. "I-im s-sorry I shouldn't h-have done t-that! " he said getting up to leave.

You grabbed his wrist"NO! Silver....I love... you to. ." You said blushing madly

"Y-you do!" He said with hope

Mhm you nodded your head and pulled him down beside you then you kissed him.  It was a sweet passionate kiss. You didn't want it to end but you needed breath. Silver smiled at you as you smiles back."we should get going the new girls should be here soon."

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