part 6

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The walk and sorting

"Yes sir we were just getting ready for bed and we ate a turkey sandwich each" chip responded

"Ok good go to bed if you need me you know where I'll be" Hades responded as he pulled the two boys out of the house with him

Harry's POV

"Hayden" Abraxes said as they began to walk twords the school

"Yeah Abraxes what do you need" hades said as he glanced at him

"Why where there only elves in your house" he questioned

"Yeah and where did they come from they looked so well taken care of" marvolo add

Harry laughed dryly "me and them are the only ones that live there I don't exactly have a guardian and as for where they came from I bought them a couple months back at the beginning of summer and they look the way they do because I make them eat dress and take baths on a schedule" he paused and took a breath

"There take at least 3-4 baths or showers a week separately they have an out fit for each day of the week except for there day off witch they have like 5 for because I want them to where what ever they want and 7 pairs of pj's then they have to eat 3 normal sized meals a day there not aloud to eat smaller proportions either" he took another breath

"Im not worried about money either so there paid 1 Gallon a week though I was going to make it higher there also under strict instructions to not harm each other or them selves" he finished and took another breath

Abraxes and marvolo looked at him stunned "you treat the house elves you have like... Well family or an employer" marvolo mused

"Yeah cuz they kinda are there also being paid rubble right now cuz there restoring one of the houses I own" Hades said as he rolled his shoulder and walked in to the grate Hall doors

They walked in at the perfect timing to the firsties were brought in and dipper was getting up and putting a sonorous on his voice

"May I have your attention please we have a new student joining the third years this year Hayden peverell will you come up here first and get your self sorted so we can move on to the first year" dippet announced

Harry got up and walked to the 3 legged stool and sat on it the hat or (al) was placed on his head and slipped over his eyes 'ah Harry or should I say Hades love the name change by the way should have e told you that the other day haha' Al said in to his head

'Yea probably but it's ok how's your infinite wisdom going for you also give us some good Slytherins this year please' Harry responded with thought

'There already getting you cap but I'll see what I can do... I see you made new friends' al said

They chatted like this for 15 min then al said

'Well I got to sort you have fun but remember to embrace your other sides capper'

"Better be Slytherins!" Al yelled but quieter then normally in order to protect Hades ears

Hades got up and walked as best and powerful looking as possible over to the Slytherin table while thinking 'there's got to be a spell on that hat that makes it so he knows the future it would honestly make sense on how he knows exactly what house to put you in he can see all the different outcomes'

He took a seat next to Tom who had moved over for him to sit and looked back up to the staff table and sorting

He looked up and saw three teachers he recognize to many names Dumbledore, slughorn, and poppy pomfrey... Binns was probably still teaching he was just never in the great Hall he new slughorn from spending so much time with Snape

Eventually and the first years were sorted and the feast was in front of them Harry noticed that the meals were a bit different then the stuff he was used to but he's never been picky so he ate what he could which wasn't much compared to everyone else

After about half an hour they were taken down to the common room everyone was crowded into there Harry was leaning against a wall far away from everyone but close enough to hear what was said while the prefects spoke

"Ok everyone listen up you all know as well as any that are house is not liked well like expect to be bullied but hit back subtly when it come to being caught just don't it's not the wisest when Dumbles is basically taking over Dippets spot already stick together and if you brack any rules don't get caught doing so the punishments aren't the best when slugs is upset" he passed for a moment then looked around and got murmurs of oks and yeahs

then slughorn walked in "I'm sure Mr.Wigum gave the normal welcome to Slytherin speech so that's all I'm going to say well that and any and all arguments between a fellow slytherin stays in the common room and is settled in here to now where's the Slytherin prince"

A taller boy that looked to be 15 or 16 walked over from the back "an Mr.Walsh do you have anything else to say" slughorn added

He shook his head but pointed to the stairs

"Ah dorms boys on the right girls on the left 3 to a dorm Mr.Peverell your with Mr.Malfoy and Mr.Riddle but a word first please"

Hades head snapped to the older professor "yes sir what is it that I can do for you" he said while heading over to slughorn

"It's nothing bad I just wanted you to fill this out and give it to me in the morning so I can set up you classes before this coming monday"

Hades took the paper with all the 3rd year classes on it and went up to his room with Marvolo and Abraxes he read through it multiple times and just didn't know

He had his basics


He had 4 electives
He had picked
animal care
and ruins
and just didn't know what else to do then he got and idea took out a bottle of ink a quill and parchment

And wrote

Dear Headmaster Dippet

I know it's late so I'll make this quick I was wondering if there was a way I could train under poppy pomfrey for my forth elective because I wan't the medical experience as well as it would be help full for the war if you think it better I could always ask her opinion on this I don't want to force her into anything I want her to be happy with this it is her choice

Please let me know before breakfast in the great Hall tomorrow morning

P.S. there Are spells on it so only you and poppy can read it and only you can open it

Signed HP'

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An sorry it's so late haven't had that much motivation to continue but I'm trying plus with school work cleaning my house moving my sister out among other things and sleeping I just haven't found much time

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