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I decided to use my baby bri bri. Not only is she beautiful I lovvvvve dark skin girls.

Fredo Pov
I noticed what Mia had on when we walked in the restaurant and damn that ass. I haven't really dated darker girls because they just didn't peak my interest, but damn Amara got some stupid cake,I noticed all the niggas was looking at her so I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her on the cheek. Our waiter was leading us to our table but kept glancing back and swaying her hips. I didn't pay her any mind because she just another random thot attracted to my money and fame. I noticed Mia scoff and frown but I squeezed her side, making her easy up. She seated us and started talking. "My name is Alex I'll be your server this morning. Can I start you both off with something to drink"? "I'll have a strawberry lemonade" she wrote what Amara  asked for and she turned to me, "And for yourself", "I'll have just have sprite." She wrote it down then she tore a piece of paper off and gave it to me. 'Call Me ;)' the paper had written on it and her number but I balled it up and waited for her to come back. It was tense between us so I decided to make small conversation. "So Amara I see you and tadoe are already good friends." "Nah not really I'm just feeling him out, ya know getting to know him and the rest of the gang. "So ummm I noticed that your mom is always gone. What's up with that?" Before she answered Alex came back with our drinks but messed up Amara's. " I ordered a strawberry lemonade not coke." I didn't hear you say that the first time" the waitress said with an attitude. "I did but you were to busy flirting with my man you didn't hear me". Her eyes got big and wide and she took the drink back and looked at me then walked off. "So I'm your man now,huh?" I looked at her and saw she was lost for word so she reached over and took a sip of my sprite, then cleared her throat. "I was just saying that so she could stop staring". I laughed and looked at her cute face (Cute face? Nigga don't get soft.) A new waiter came back with her drink and took our orders but we decided to take it to go. When he came back with the food we paid and left and went back to the Glo mansion.
Amara Pov

We arrived back at his house with the food because of the little altercation that happened earlier. I was about to get out but before I could he got out and ran over to my side and opened the door for me. "Such a gentleman, Mr.Santana". We both laughed and he unlocked the door and lead me in. It was dead silent and nobody was here but me and him. We ate in silence but that was interrupted by the person I didn't see most. "Aye blood what's up?" Him and Fredo did their handshake and the he looked at me and smiled "Shit. I just came back to get my charger. What's up Amara"? I looked at him and waved. Fredo looked at me and him and squinted but didn't say anything. Capo got his charger and left. "You two fucked or something"? I chocked on my drink and looked at him like a deer in headlights. "Fuck no!!. Remember the day I didn't reply to your text or phone calls" he looked at me and nodded. "Well that was the same day he came over to apologize." He looked at me questionable still but left it alone. I didn't really think it was a big deal but apparently it was to him.

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