Chapter 3

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Yummiestflea721 prov

When I told dessygothgirl that the end was the only way to kill him she ask how do we get there? I said we have to gather all our friends and then we have to go through the neither and then we have to get material for potions. then when that's done we have to go to twilight forest and go into lots of battle towers to get armor and weapons. once we do that, we go to the end and kill the ender dragon. then herobrine will come out we kill him but it will take forever becouse he can grief and steal. So then we finally went to the village to meet. dessygothgirl friends I met JASONEvil2002 and solar JASONEvil2002 was the miner and solar was dessygothgirls best friend and he farmed. I asked JASONEvil2002 if he could get me three diamonds and he said ok. He went down in a cave and cAme out an hour later. He came out with the three diamonds. Then I went down in the same cave and got obsidian and made a neither portal.  I went down there in the neither and got the materials. I almost died in there. there were so many blazes. I came back and there was a big hurricane. the village was gone and everyone was gone. then, out of no where meteors started falling from the sky.  once it was all finished I found a lucky block. I brook it and furniture and five blocks of emeralds fall from the sky. I said to myself,  I'm going to save these, they're good.  at least there was a camera. I saw it had all the footage so I accepted it.  it showed where everyone went. I was surprised where they went. they went far. one went flying to the jungle, one went flying to the sand temple and one went to the end portal but he could not go in yet because we had to do some more stuff.

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