~S E A T T L E~

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"This weekend, we're moving to Seattle." 

My mother abruptly places the ladle she was holding into the sauce pot. The unexpected news fills the room with silence. 

With a big grin on his face, Dad enters the room. He appears as though he recently hit the jackpot. 

He lays his suitcase on the desk and says, "Mark brought me into his office today. "

"He wants me to be the director of a new division in Seattle. This would significantly advance my job, Emily."

"I fully understand.." Mum sags and takes a seat. "I'm just not sure how we'll be able to sell this house so fast before moving to a brand-new house in Seattle. There isn't much time to think about such a big choice."

I switch my attention between the two of them as they talk. I can't believe there's a possibility I might finish my senior year at a different school. Even though I know better, it feels immoral not to be happy for my dad. 

I've lived in this place for 17 years. 

All of my friends, school, and the college sco- 


I raise my head once more and meet my mother's blue eyes. The same set of oceanic irises that I am fortunate enough to possess. 

She was my zen. When things shift, she's always had a way of bringing me back to reality. 

"Sorry.. I was only thinking. I'm happy for you, dad, but I suppose there's a lot to process."

Dad extends his palm to take my hand and nods in agreement. "You've had a huge year, doll, I know that. We will continue to see to it that you have a wonderful year in Seattle and that you are prepared for college." 

He's a good man. A great man.

He's worked with a small company that offers clients various software to help manage and expand their businesses, so he truly deserves the very best in life. 

In an effort to establish his value, he has recently been putting in a lot of overtime and remaining late during the week. He hasn't acted like that since I last saw him in tears over this position years ago.

"Dad, I am aware. I admire you and love you." He pats my palm as I warmly smile. 

"Alright! Who is ready for dinner?" Mom bellows shrilly before standing up. 

As she distributes the plates, the three of us chuckle together. 

It was a typical balmy Californian night. 

Stuffed with spaghetti and breadsticks. 

Everything is perfect.

I never would have anticipated what was to come.

I never would have anticipated what was to come

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