~D A M O N~

9 3 0


Upon hearing my mother screaming for me from the kitchen, I immediately get out of bed. The room is already being illuminated by the sunlight as it crawls across the floorboards. 

Fuck. Monday has come. 

As everything came from California, the three of us had spent the previous two days unpacking as much as we could. I was not looking forward to my first day because the weekend had gone by far too quickly. 


Now that her footsteps have echoed down the hallway and my door has been hastily flung open, I can plainly hear her voice. 

"I heard you," I exclaim loudly. 

She puffs and takes the boxes from outside my entrance. "I instructed you to disassemble these, Olivia."

"I know. I apologize."

She has clearly been working diligently already. She had sweat beads on her face and her untidy dark hair was in a sloppy bun. She doesn't stop until the task is finished. 

She takes a few more boxes and storms out of the room once more as I watch from the corner of my eye. 

I take my phone off the nightstand and focus on the only set of matching, clean clothes I can currently locate. 

4 new text messages

I browse down and choose the most recent. 

GOOD MORNING, Jackie's here. Do you still want to walk with me? 

It appears you are still sleeping off. Meet me at the entryway to the school. 7:30.

You snooze a lot. I felt like I slept for too long. 

 please text me shortly! <3 

She already seems like she'll be a pain. 

After doing everything I could to appear presentable, I hurriedly descended the stairs, grabbed my bag, and walked out the front door. 

I'm not looking forward to my daily walk because the sun is out in Seattle today and it is slamming down on me. 

Thankfully, my dad had chosen a home near the school, as well as a charming retail location just 10 minutes away on foot. Although it didn't appear to be too bad, I realized it would take some time to get used to.

After some time, I spotted a few buses turning into the school parking lot and an Eastview High sign perched at the edge of the grass. 

As soon as the first warning bell sounded, a number of students raced from the buses and piled inside. 

It didn't seem all that awful, which surprised me. Bright verdant and kept short, the grass was. The area was covered in a number of Yoshino Cherry trees and shrubs. 


I look up to see Jackie beckoning me down as I hear the recognizable voice.

She rushes over to me, and I can smell her flowery perfume right away. She is wearing a vibrant pink, ultra-tight maxi dress with her hair braided.

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