-𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎: 𝟷𝟶

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—The following day—

Terry: So what do we do now?

》walking in the hallway with Grid and Happy《

Grid: Since Slade is a person who isn't trustworthy, we need to make sure that the club activities we submitted are signed into the sports faculties.

Happy: what's up with you and Slade?

Grid: not a big deal. You don't need to worry about it.

Terry: you're the one who seems worried about it.

Grid: yeah...right.

》They entered the administration and went to the faculties school management's office《

???: Huh?

Grid: Good morning coach.

Coach: Ohh morning boys, how can I help you?


》Pushes Happy forward《

Happy:[oof] uh...I...sir?

Coach: call me coach lad.

Happy: Yes, I mean coach. We recently formed a new club and we want to make sure our activities papers got here.

Coach: a new club huh...I know nothing of the such.

Grid: tch!

》He seemed pissed and just stormed out of the room leaving the others behind 《

Happy: Uhh...I see, so the secretary hasn't come here on our account?

Coach: nope, maybe he's busy, tomorrow is the last day of course so there's still time.

Happy: I see...well thanks for your time coach, bye!

》he ran after Grid《

Terry: Hey wait up!

》follows him《


Grid: Ncncncncnc!

[Mind: where are those bastards! They should be starting their morning patrol in a few minutes so they must be in the Demonix club room]

》He walked passed the crowd of students in what seemed to be a quickened pace. The expression on his face forced others to clear out of his way. Being a 5'11 tall lad made the stride even more frightening《

Students: what's going on?

Students: he seems really pissed.

Students: Isn't he a 3rd year?

Students: he is! Looks like this is gonna be a big fight!

Students: let's follow him!

》a small crowd of Students followed behind as he made his way to the 6th floor《

IG: what the hell is going on?

Blaster: probably a fight, you know how these idiots are. The smallest conflict can be riled up.

Minnie: Hmm...I got a bad feeling about this...

》she tried to look into the crowd to figure out who was the center of attention. Finally when she saw him go up the stairs she figured it out《

IG: what's up Minnie?

Minnie: That looked like Grid! He's going up the floors.

Blaster: Huh?!

IG: Up the floors? Doesn't that mean-

Blaster: shit! Let's go!

》They sprinted towards the crowd and squeezed themselves amongst the students trying to go past them《

Happy: Why are there so many students here?

Terry: you think Grid started a fight?

Happy: Grid and fighting? Nah I don't think so.

—4th floor stairs—

Grid: Hmm.

Slade: Huh?

[Mind: Hehe, still can't control his temper ey. Typical Grid]

》He sat on the stairs that led to the 5th floor alongside the Demonix Club Members《

Grid: Let me through!

Slade: unless you're going to class we can't let you go through, you know the rules...no 5th floor until the bell rings.

Grid: who the fuck decided that?!

???: You know exactly who, don't act like an idiot!

Slade: Isn't it too early for you to do this?


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