👑🖤𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎: 𝟸𝟷🖤👑

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Nurse: A patient this early in the year...looks like y'all are trouble makers.

Grid: not really, it was just a misunderstanding.

Nurse: alright...well your friend will be fine but he needs to rest so he'll sleep in here till after school.

Grid: thank you.

Nurse: no problem

》the Nurse left them in there with Happy lying on the bed with a few bandages and a blue eye《


Grid: you should go back to the club...I'll watch over him.

Koki: Why do you like doings things on your own?

Grid: Hmm...

Koki: Hmm?

Grid: I feel like if I answer that question it would lean towards making me seem like I'm undermining people or think that they aren't good enough in any way.

Koki: it's okay...answer it in any way you like.

Grid: I'd rather not.

Koki: afraid that I'll right through you?

Grid: not at all, and please stop with the questions. Just be quiet for a little while...

Koki:...so I'm bothering you by being here?



Grid: Yes...

Koki: Ohh okay...I'll leave you be then.

》she left the room and went to the club 《

—The Hood club—

Tohsaka: So y'all for real for real fought with another club?

Nicholas: what's hard to believe about that?

Tohsaka: aren't you afraid of being suspended or expelled?

IG: They don't do that here.

Tohsaka: why not?

IG: it's an international Academy you nitwit! Y'all kids should read more. The code of conduct has all this information.

Tohsaka: reading sucks...

》The door opened and Koki came inside《

Terry: Koki! How's Happy?

Koki: Nurse said he'll be alright.

》she seemed down and her tone was not at it's usual peak. She opened the fridge and took out a soda and went to rest on the couch《

Terry: Ohhhkay what about Grid?

Koki: why care for someone who didn't even fight when the fight broke out. Not to mention that you ran away!

Terry: I'm not a fighter and I don't want trouble.

Nicholas: did something happen at the infirmary? You sound mad...


Tohsaka: she's definitely pissed.

Cuz: Hey Immortal...can I ask you something?

IG: sure?

Cuz: what will happen when the student council or even teachers come here cause of the fight?

IG: our club would be in danger of suspension...they might take the keys to this room away for a week or even a month and suspend us from club activities.

Cuz: that sounds real bad.

IG: that's what usually happens but the student council bails for us most of the times and this fight was not even that troubling. So worry not...we're fine.

Cuz: I see...

Loner: Hmm...

[Mind: First it was Grid and his know everything persona, now it's IG...back then when he was holding me down...it felt like I was being pressed down by an entire elephant. Something is not right here. Bet that Blaster and Minnie have something up their sleeves as well]


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