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" And that is how you do multiplication..." said the most boring teacher ever! Does he really think we are in kindergarten, we are seniors in high school!

"Ring Ring"

Yes time to leave this stupid place! I walked out of the classroom to my locker to meet up with Abby,Jacey,and Macie,the bestest friends of them all.

"Kat! Bout time you got here!" I heard Abby yell. Lets just say we weren't that popular in school,especially me I got bullied everyday. I would hurt myself in every way possible,that was until I met Abby,Jacey,and Macie. I ran over to my locker to see Abbs,Jac,and Maci.

"Hey look the princess finally came!" Said Jacey. I stuck my tongue out at her. I saw Abby has medium blonde hair,she was super skinny and just beautiful,and to say she was the social butterfly. Macie has a little longer blonde hair but, still she was beautiful. She was short like me and Jacey, Abby was a little taller than me. Jacey was the shortest but, that didn't stop her! She has brown hair like me and is stunning! Then there is me....I have medium length brown hair, I am the only one with brown eyes so I am the odd one. They always told me I was gorgeous however I never believed a single word they said.

"Kat.....Kat.....hello Kat!" Yelled Macie. I stopped daydreaming and noticed we were already at the mall. I climbed out of he backseat and stood next to Jacey. We all started walking to the doors arms linked together, we probably looked stupid but, I don't care. Immediately after we were inside I could smell the delicious food.....ok I might have a food problem.

"Can we go to my favorite part of the mall?" I asked.

"Really food already?!" Replied Abby. I gave her my puppy eyes.....she always gives in.

"Fine!" She said. I was already running when I bumped into someone and we both fell on the ground.

"Oh,i am so sorry! I didn't look where I was going!" I said to the stranger. He looked at me....he had these blue eyes that melted my heart. Wait why am I saying that?

He chuckled lightly. "Its fine love, it was my fault for standing in front of a beautiful girl such as you." he replied.

A blush slowly crept on my cheeks till they were burning. He stood up and held out his hand to help me up.

"Thank you.....but,I am still sorry for bumping into you." I said once I was up.

"It's fine! I never got your name?" He said.

"I'm Kat......and I never got yours either?" I said copying him.

"My name is Niall." he said while smiling.

"Well it was a pleasure to bump into you Niall." I said.
I started to walk away when he called my name.I turned around and looked at him.

"I didn't get to say you looked cute when blush." I blushed harder than ever now. "And can I have your number?" I nodded my head yes. He gave me his phone to take a picture,which I did with him. I put in my number and gave I back to him. I handed him my phone as well so, he could enter his. When he was done puttin in his number he put his name as
"Nialler<3" aww how cute. I also put his as "Kat ur love;)" haha. We finally said our goodbyes and I went to find my gang. I saw they were watching me the whole time......embarrassing much!

"Who was that hottie you were with?" Said Macie with a smirk. A blush crept on my cheeks.

"YOU LIKE HIM DONT YOU!!!!" They all screamed in unison. Did I like we just met!

"Can we just carry on shopping?" I asked. They all smirked at me every once in awhile. We all decided on going to Forever 21.....ok I don't totally hate this store but,i don't like it either. I was looking in the clothes rack when someone ran past me causing me to fall and hit my head. Once I made contact with the floor everything went Black.....

Abby's POV

"Ok we have to leave now before security gets us!" Jacey whispered.

"We need to find Kat she could be anywhere!" I whispered back.

Macie had a smirk on her face.
"How about we stay here until the guards leave then look?" She finally said. It actually wasn't bad! We all agreed and hid where ever we could. This is going to be interesting........

Kats POV
I heard faint whispers all around me......where was I? I opened my eyes to see 5 boys looking at me. WHAT?

"Hi...umm....who are you?" I asked. I saw a pair of blue eyes I couldn't forget.....Niall?

"Well we should ask you the same?" Said a boy with short brown hair.

"I.....uh...hit my head when someone ran past me...bern out since." I said.

"Well ok then... My name is Liam, this is Harry, Louis,Zayn,and Niall." Liam said.
I looked at Niall....he gave me a smile.

"Hi my name is Kat." I said back."Now where am I?"

"Well you are in the mall with us." Niall replied. I got up, by holding on the clothes rack.

"I have to be going my friends are probably wondering where I am." I said.

"Well.....about.....that......we are kinda stuck in here." said Harry.

"WHAT!" I yelled.

"Yep a huge snow storm hit and we are trapped." said Louis.

"There she is!" I heard....Abby say!!
I turned around to see all three of them. The boys had confused looks on there faces.

"Ok boys,these are my best friends Abby,Jacey,and Macie." they all shook their heads but,Liam and Harry were staring at Abby and Jacey. How cute!

"Well since we are stuck here how about a little game of truth or dare?" Asked Louis with a smirk. What am I getting myself into.......

Well new story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am happy to write this story as well as Falling for you! It's a pleasure that you guys are reading my story. BYE MY LOVES!!!!!❤️

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