Chapter 10 - Twenty Questions

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Nathan used the intercom  phone, "Mia, could you bring Mr. and Mrs. Moran the new patient forms, information brochures,  and medical release forms please, thank you."

He turned to Sue and said, "You two can sit on the lounge and fill out the forms now if you'd like, or you can take them home and discuss things and drop them in tomorrow or whenever you're ready."

Harry made an excuse to leave. "Actually I need to get home to check my messages on the business phone. I think we need to digest what you've told us and look through the brochures, and I'd also like to get a better handle on how much we are likely to be up for. Are there prices on the brochure?"

"You're not backing down are you Harry?" Sue asked worriedly.

"No darling, of course not. Just rather do it at home is all, and I do need to check my schedule for tomorrow."

But Sue wasn't to be fooled. She knew when Harry was stalling for time and was doing what he always did when backed into a corner. He would try to find a good reason why they couldn't go ahead until Sue put her foot down and overruled him. What he didn't realise was that Sue had already put both feet down. Her biological clock couldn't stand any more of Harry's delaying tactics. She would have happily filled out the forms there and then no matter what the cost. Sue would also happily swap Harry's TV business for the patter of little feet anytime.

Harry thanked Nathan for his time, and also reminded him of his promise to promote their cause with his uncle. Sue flashed a smile at Nathan, "Nice to meet you, Dr Mengle. I'm sure we'll be meeting again soon."

"I hope so Sue, and please call. me Nathan. You too Harry. I won't forget about Uncle Joe. He's ringing me tonight and I'll mention it then. Leave your number with Mia on the way out Harry and I'll send you some estimated out of pocket costs based on various options, typical insurance coverage and my Uncle's input."

Harry shook his hand and immediately turned for the door, looking quite pleased with himself, like a man who just won a great victory. With his back turned, as he headed towards the door, he didn't see the exchange of looks and body language between his wife and her new gynecologist that seemed to indicate that his win would likely be very short-lived indeed.

They picked up the brochures and Harry gave Mia his mobile work number. He did a Harry and asked her if she needed any assistance with her entertainment system at home or audio visuals there at work.

Once back at the car Harry drove as usual and Sue started reading through the patient application forms.

"That's an odd thing to ask," Sue said, after a long interval of silence and paper shuffling.

"What's that darling?"

'Well the form asks for my maiden name which is usual I guess, but then asks for my mother's maiden name and my biological father's surname and his mother's maiden name."

"What else does he want to know?"

"How often we have sex, and whether I've ever been pregnant." Sue replied with a smile.

"What are you going to say?"

"Not enough, and don't know. How about that?

Harry nearly hit a parked car. "Why would you tell him that?"

"Because it's true Harry. Ever since the last false positive you've been distant, unresponsive. It's only gotten  worse since your sperm count issues. When is the last time you bought me red roses? It was Valentine's last month but you wouldn't know it. I'm feeling a bit . . . "

Harry didn't like where this was leading so he tried to change the subject. "Does it ask anything about me?"

"You've got your own form to fill.out, actually."

"What? Why do I have to fill out a form. I'm not his patient."

"The form explains that couples are both treated as patients in his clinic, even same sex couples using a sperm donor," Sue explained.

"So, what does he want to know about me? My sperm count I suppose?

"No your biological father's name and your mother's maiden name as well as your grandmothers' maiden names."

"Nosey bastard isn't he?" Harry was losing enthusiasm for his new doctor.

"You also need to sign the medical information release form. We both need to sign a permission form for DNA and Hereditary searches."

"Well, we'll just have to see about that eh? I'm sure that breaks a mess of privacy laws right there." Harry decided as he pulled into their driveway and aimed the Ford Maverick at the auto garage door. As he drove into the garage the conversation was stymied by the noise of the panel lift doors.

Sue decided that discretion was the better part of valour. They were in Harry's territory now, his man-cave and he would soon adjourn to the bar fridge. If she didn't want an alcohol-fuelled confrontation over dinner it was best to let him stew in his own juice for a while. If that juice was laced with a liberal sprinkling of alcohol experience told her nothing good could ever come of it.

Besides part of her was starting to understand Harry's apprehension. Nathan would have to have a suitable response to Harry's questions tomorrow. It seems that Harry was so engrossed in trying to make Mia a customer he hadn't realised he had agreed to another appointment with Nathan at 11am Saturday, this Saturday, tomorrow. She smiled to herself.

I'm sure Nathan will be able to bring him around tomorrow. After all, he got him to commit before we left his office.

This had surprised and delighted Sue no end. She thought she was in for the fight of her life or her future baby's life. A long drawn-out confrontation that she wasn't at all sure she could win, given their current financial woes.

#Word Count: 6224#

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