The Third Teammate

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Koraidon was looking distantly at the horizon and stretched his claws. I stopped beside him. "Another lengthy walk back. Really convincing me to invest in a cyclizar, hm?" Koraidon glanced at me then bent down so his stomach was almost touching the rocky ground and made a soft noise as he gestured his snout to his back. He was acting like he wanted me to get on his back. Koraidon did look a lot like a cyclizar, a really big one. His limbs were muscular, in fact, they looked a lot bigger since this morning, I wasn't sure why. The base of his tail and his chest were black, just like a cyclizar. He had four toes on each foot, too. I wondered if Koraidon was some sort of evolution of a cyclizar or at least a regional variant that wandered into Paldea. I brushed his back with my hand. It was very firm. "Are you sure?" I asked him, and he nodded. I lifted one leg over his back and adjusted myself until I was balanced. There were two long, blue extensions on his shoulders that I held onto. They were stiff, but I wasn't sure if they would move with his arms. "Is this okay, or should I...?" Koraidon whipped his colorful, rope-like tendrils beside me and I grabbed onto those instead.

Koraidon made a giddy roar and sped off into the distance. I yelped and squeezed my thighs around his stomach to secure myself. He bounded up the rocky cliffs, onto the grass, and in moments, we arrived back at Mesagoza where he stopped rashly. I toppled forward onto his feathery neck before I let myself off. "Careful on the landing, bud." I pet his head, and the Pokémon smiled. Standing at the gates of Mesagoza, I thought about what would come of tomorrow. We had to fight another titan tomorrow, and I was sure Quaxwell was probably tired. I placed my hands on my hips. "You know what I want to do instead?" I did have homework, but this was more exciting, and I could always do it later in the night. "We should find a third member to our team." Koraidon wagged his tail. I had never caught a Pokémon before. I was handed my first two. My belt had four empty Pokéballs that I could use, so I didn't have to buy them. I figured that it would be fun to look on the opposite side of the school towards the west province. "Don't stop so fast this time, okay?" I told Koraidon and brought myself back up. I pointed towards the west and Koraidon began his dash.

The second ride was a lot less startling. I used the excursion to get used to the bumps in his scurry. I also began to list out my ideas for what Pokémon I wanted to try to get. The next titan was a bombirdier which was a duel flying-dark type Pokémon. That would mean it was weak to a lot of moves: electric, ice, rock, fighting, bug, and fairy-type moves. It would be immune to any ground-type moves. Rock-type and bug-type Pokémon were everywhere, but bug-type Pokémon were often less strong and were half-effective to an astonishing seven types. The farm town Cortondo started to come into view. I decided to get off there as Pokémon tended to hang out around towns, especially when there was food.

Koraidon slowed to a halt and allowed me to jump off before he started sniffing around the farmland. "Don't steal anything," I warned him. "And didn't you just eat?" Koraidon melted into a frown and followed me somberly. I circled the rundown grassy dirt briskly, scanning left and right for any sign of a rock-type Pokémon. Then I saw one. A rockruff was playing with something in the dirt, barking at it and jumping around in circles. Rockruff were naturally playful, so I couldn't tell what level this one could possibly be at. I wondered if my phone could scan it from where I was. I tried it and pinpointed the rockruff.

Rockruff, the puppy Pokémon, is a pure rock-type Pokémon.

I read the information below. "Wow, level 21!" I read. I took out Quaxwell and he stretched his soreness away. "You think you could handle that?" I asked him. "At least until I could get a ball on it?" Quaxwell squinted at the rockruff and watched it roll around for a bit before nodding. We inched our way over until the Pokémon's back was to us, and I was sure we'd be able to surprise it with an attack. I looked over at Quaxwell and signed him a Water Jet with my hand. He understood and shot a fountain of water at the unsuspecting rockruff. It froze up and tumbled over its head. It got itself up quickly, but it seemed very dizzy.

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