The Final... Titans?

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Koraidon walked behind us, confused why we weren't using him as our ride. I was too lost in my own fluttering thoughts. Arven was about to kiss me. My boyfriend was about to kiss me. Did I want that? Why did thinking about it make my stomach squirm? With anyone else, I'd have kissed them on the first day, no emotions, no doubts, but I didn't like them. I never liked anyone like how I liked Arven. I jumped feeling Arven take my hand. "You looked nervous."

"Thanks." He seemed nervous, too. What was it about the lake that was scaring him?

I felt him squeeze my palm. "After this battle... you're not going to..." He paused. He was staring at nothing on the ground, seemingly through the earth into his own thoughts. He looked terrified. He swallowed. "Do you... actually like me?"

I was dumbfounded. Of course, I liked him! He was my boyfriend, my first boyfriend I really cared about. What made him think I didn't? I held our hands with my other and looked up at him longingly. "Yes! Why would you think I don't?" Was I going too slow?

"I don't think...." He was stumbling over his words. There was a pit in my stomach. It was a terrible feeling of dread. He started over, "After all this is over—when we beat the last titan—are we still going to hang out like this?"

I sighed a breath of relief. "Was that what you worried about all day?"

Arven's lip quivered. "I've gotten so used to seeing you and working with you, but... what are we going to do after all of this is over?"

I hugged his arm as we walked. "We find a new adventure. A new 'Treasure', as the director would say. Just... less dangerous than this, I hope?" I smiled at my jest, and Arven smiled at me, his anxiety fading.

Casseroya Lake appeared in a mist, small green islands appearing against a blue background, seeming to float in the sky. Arven took out his scarlet book and led us around the water until he pointed off in the distance at an island which, upon further inspection, had a familiar cave that no doubt held the final Herba Mystica. Koraidon was already starting to wander into the water, expecting us to follow after him. "Koraidon, hold on," I ordered, beckoning him back on shore. I scratched his chin and he wagged his scaly tail. "We can't swim all the way over there."

"Do you think he could carry us?" Arven asked, hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, definitely. He could climb to the top of the crater with us no problem." Koraidon leaned down and I got on top, patting the space behind me for Arven. He joined me excitedly, holding me at the waist, grown to be so much more relaxed with my mysterious Pokémon. I was amazed at his growth. I was amazed at my own growth. Ever since I left home, I've felt so much more free, but it was only physically. I've gotten myself together mentally the more I had spent time with Arven and forgotten about my life before the academy. Having something to do and distracting myself from my guilt was relieving and healing. My thoughts had become less invasive and in general, though not by much, I had forgiven my younger self a little bit.

Koraidon swam through the lake, the abundant water-type Pokémon making way, staring at this strange, one-of-a-kind reptilian beast as he passed through. The view was outstanding. Yes, it was mainly water, but it was mostly about how calm the atmosphere was. There was no wind to ripple the lake's surface, and the islands were clearly mirrored in their reflection. Eventually, Koraidon was able to touch the ground again and began our ascent up into the grass where no one was waiting. I assumed it was like the bombirdier we faced a while ago, that it would show up out of the blue. We both got down from Koraidon and looked around.

I went to the water's edge while Arven went to investigate the blocked cave, knocking on the stones to listen inside. I saw something huge lurking in the water, coming closer and closer. This was it. The final titan. "Get ready, guerrero." Arven glanced over. "Here it comes."

Desolate [Pokémon Arven x Protagonist]Where stories live. Discover now