Holmest Chaplain

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Laura's prof.

Yeah today I visit the city with Maggie. I'm really excited, not really because of the city, I'm excited because of Maggie. I hope she's so like I imagined her. Today she wake me up then we ate breakfast and now we're making us ready. Or SHE makes her ready. hahhaha I'm waiting since 15 minutes of her. "Sorry now also I am ready!" screamd Maggie from the bathroom. 'Finally' thought Laura. "Ok so we can go now?" "Yes of course!", said Maggie "Sorry that i took so long hahaha" "No problem."

We visited the village and it was a really funny day. It's not a really big city but pretty cute! Maggie showed my all the beautiful places and then the school and some other stuff. Then we went also shopping :). And I have to say, Maggie is a really nice person! She's so funny and have the self stupid humour like I and not really much people have that ;). She was so how I imagined her or even better! Suddenly I heard a girl screaming:"Aaaaaaaaaah HARRY STYLES!!! OMG HE'S HERE!!! LINDA HE IS HERE COME NOW ONG LINDA LINDA I CANT HARRY STYLEY!!!!!!!!!" After she said that, a lot of girls runned to a boy with curly hair. He looked really cute but I dont know why they freak so out. "Who is this boy? And why they freak so out?" I asked. Maggie made a awkward face and she told me:"He's Harry Styles. He lived here and he was a really normal boy. Then he went to x-Factor and the jury put him with 4 other boys in a group called 'One Direction'. Since then all the girls freak out about him. But that's all I know! In our school almost all the girls are 'Directioners'. The fans of this group are called so, and if you arent a fan, you almost has no friends in this school. And because i didnt know a lot of the boygroup, lots of girls things I'm a hater... But I'm really glad that you dont know them so I ve now a friend more ;)" "What for a Band?? One...?? Direction? Have they a famous song?" I asked Maggie. "I dont know hahahahhaha but c'mon, we go home! It was a long day!" She was right so we took the next bus and we drove home.

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