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Dear Diary,

A few weeks have gone by since me and Draco became Friends not much has happened I turn 10 next week!!! Mum says I shouldn't hang out with Draco that much and focus on my new school. She's right but a little fun wouldn't hurt would it ? We hang out every day now and have the most fun! I know I say this a lot but he actually listens to me talk!!!! Not even my parents can listen for that long.! We're both really nervous when we talk to each other I guess we don't want to ruin our friendship we don't have anyone else other than each other. Every night we talk through the window when we can't open the window we make silly faces at each other to make them laugh. I've asked mum if Draco can come to our house for my birthday but she says it's not a really good idea to get close to him. I wonder why he's a really good person? Dad has nothing against it though he says everyone deserves second chances. Not really sure by what he means by that but at least there's a chance!!

- Hermione.

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