Chapter 12 - "When do I fucking start?"

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"Katy, why must you get on my nerves?" Abby shakes her head with a exasperated expression.

"Oh, shut up and drink your coco Abby." She turns toward the duo sitting in the couch. "Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

Bill glances at Abby then back to Katy, "I think that we'll come back another time when you don't have...." A meaningful glance toward Abby finishes his sentence.

Abby huff's, "I don't bite, I swear!"

Katy doesn't acknowledge Abby, nodding to the two men, "Of course. I understand why and I look forward to our next meeting."

They both nod and get up, heading for the door. Carlos glances back to see Abby watching them leave with narrowed eyes, so he mutters loud enough so that everyone hears him, "Don't bite? What a load of bullshit."

Katy sniggers to herself, receiving a nasty glare from Abby before collapsing into a fit of giggles.

Abby sits and waits for Katy to be done giggling for a good 15 minutes, finishing her coco and washing her mug before putting it away.

"You have got be the most immature person on this base, Katy."

Katy sighs softly, "It's impossible for me to forget because you make it a point to remind me every chance you get, Abby."

"Well, it's true and nothing you do will ever make it otherwise." Abby sits on the couch across from Katy, crossing her legs and her arms to make her point clear.

Katy just shakes her head at Abby.

"Whatever. Why are you here?"

It takes Abby a few seconds to process Katy's question, and a few more to form a coherent sentence.


"Did you seriously forget what you came down here to tell me?"

"NO! I just.......yeah."

"Well that's a piece of blackmail if I ever heard one."

"Oh, shut up Maze."

Katy leans back in the arm chair, smiling triumphly as Abby grumbles in her direction. Abby sighs to herself before shifting closer to Katy.

"Alright, I'll tell you why I came down here."

Katy raises both her brows, amusement written all over face, and moves a little closer.

"I came down here because I wanted to give you a heads up before you get called to the office."

Katy shifts back in her seat, her body tense.

"What do you mean, before you get called up to the office? What are they going to pin on me this time?" She drags her hand through her hair and starts to bounce her knee rapidly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down. Take a deep breath before you hyperventilate."

Katy sends a death glare in Abbys direction, her fingers digging into her arms. Her knee is bouncing so fast that it's vibrating her entire body.

Abby stands up and grabs Katy by the shoulders.

"For fucks sake!! Stop, just stop. Stop thinking!"

It takes Katy a moment, confusion clear on her face, to process what Abby had said. When it clicks, her face skrews up into a look of ridicule.

"I can't just stop thinking Abby. Believe me, I've tried. Many, many times."

"I know it's impossible, but I needed to stop you from going down a rabbit hole of self-deprecating."

Abby lightly shakes Katy before pulling her to her feet and into a hug. It takes Katy a moment, but she hugs Abby back, relaxing into the hug slowly.

"Why am I going to be called up into the office, Abby?" Katy mumbles into Abby's shoulder.

Abby sighs softly into Katy's hair. "The President reached out to us because the school that his daughter goes to, along with hundreds of other politicians kids, has been threatened."

"But what has that got to do with me?"

Abby gently pinches Katy's neck. "I'm getting there, geeze."


"Anyway, only he was told and he wants someone to neutralize the threat without anyone else finding out."

"Just get to your point, Abby."

"You are the only teen who already has the skills needed for this mission, without needed extra training. And...."

Katy leans out of the hug slightly, looking Abby in the eye. "And what?"

Abby clenches her jaw for a split second, but then takes a deep breath.

"And the group that sent the threat was none other than the Nightshade Gang."

Katy freezes, her entire body going stiff, her face pale. In fact, her face get so pale, that, if Abby wanted to, she would be able to count every freckle on Katy's face.

"And I, of course, know what your relationship is with them. So I volunteered you." Abby swallows, noticing that Katy has yet to move.

"You...volenteered deal with a threat...given by the Nightshade Gang?"


Katy slowly smiles, and Abby shivers slightly as chills speed down her spine.

The smile on Katy's face was not one of happiness or sad acceptance, but one of savage, dangerous, deadly joy.

Abby gulps, watching as color returns to Katy's face and her body starts buzzing with electricity-like energy.

"When do I fucking start?"

Abby sighs in relief, "I was worried that I might have overstepped a boundary. Volunteering you without asking like that."

"Girl," Katy tightens her grip on Abby's shoulders. "You've known me for over 7 years. I've been itching to get back at them for YEARS, and you just handed me that chance on a silver fucking platter."

"Still....I was worried that..."

"It doesn't matter anymore. Right now, you and I are going to go hit the gym, cause it's been way too long since we last sparred."

Abby can't stop a smile from crossing her face.

"Does the student think that she can best the Master?"

Katy rolls her eyes, reaching to grab the gear laying on the ground. She straps the gloves on, the velcro extra loud in the quiet barrack.

"What if I told you the student indeed thinks that she can take on and beat the Master into the ground?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I am stupidly happy with this chapter, and now there are even more questions!

Who are the Nightshades? What have they done to Katy to make her want revenge? How is Katy going to kick their butts?

Patience young one. Answers will come in due time. Till next time!

Wanna hear a joke about paper?

Never mind. It's tearable.

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