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Sukuna smirked. "Don't be so dispassionate, Kento." Pulling out, he shoved you sprawling across the bed, your holes gaping. "Where's your enthusiasm?"

Unable to resist even in your humiliation, you looked up at Nanami, his expression cool and disinterested even as he stood over the soak of your nakedness.

"I stayed to ensure that she ate, as you requested, sir. Nothing more."

Nothing more. His words splintered your skin, the book he'd left behind—the one you'd read through twice already—a husk like his indifference, abandoned by the stove.

"And yet she reeks of you."

Nanami's expression remained static. "Forgive me, sir, but why have I been summoned?"

Hiding your face, you watched Sukuna tip his head, stroking his bottom lip with a long-nailed thumb. "Why... Because, despite being such an incompetent waste, you have the opportunity to make yourself useful."

"Thank you, sir. And how might that be?"

His cool rebutted Sukuna like a slap, and you tensed, squeezing your eyes shut.

Sukuna chuckled low in his throat, then said, "Get inside her."

The air in the room stalled.

"...You must be joking."

With a fist in your scalp Sukuna dragged you viciously to your knees, hanging your body like a taxidermy. "Do I look like I'm joking? Or rather, does she?"

"Sukuna.." you whimpered, shaking. "Please...!"

He rattled you by the hair, hard enough that you howled and grabbed onto his wrist. "Don't act like this isn't exactly what you wanted," he snarled.

Nanami looked at you, into you, his slate eyes rushing a tide of anxiety before Sukuna pulled you back to the bed. You gasped, pushing away from his chest as you felt the hard of his cock insisting the cleft between your openings.

"W—wait!!" You slapped a palm against his tattoos, but he was already shoving inside, prying you open around him. Crumbling your spine, you fell down helplessly full, spit soaking your tongue as it pushed past your teeth.

"Come on now, Kento" drawled Sukuna as he pulled at the sides of your ass, drawing them open for Nanami to see. "Stick it in."

In the mirror on the wall behind, you saw Nanami's body strange and rigid before the window. Against the violet storm his eyes were wild, nearly black. "I'm not doing that," he said, a long swallow dragging his adam's apple down the skin of his throat.

Sukuna pulled your face down hard, smothering your mouth into his shoulder as he lifted his head to snarl, "Do it. Or I'll rip your heart out and fuck the hole of your chest in front of her."

"Mmhh!" You cried out without thinking, pushing your hands into the mattress and squirming your head from his grip. "—No!!"

"No?" Sukuna slammed his hands around your ribs, driving his nails in, forcing your body deeper over him as he thrust his hips higher inside you. "You don't want to see my sorry pawn die?"

Saliva spilled across your lips as you shook your head helpless, trembling your fingers back in a reach. "Please... Please Nanami, just do it.."

Under the slapping sounds of Sukuna inside you, Nanami said nothing. You couldn't see him in the mirror anymore, only felt the mattress shift as his knees heavied in behind you, heard the metallic clink of his belt, his zipper drawing down. His palm landed over your hips as a thick pressure hinted between your cheeks, shivering up your spine, twitching your insides around Sukuna.

Incubation (Sukunaxreader, Nanamixreader, EXPLICIT)Where stories live. Discover now