☀️ Your Beautiful ☀️

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" Your beautiful ". Ashton told me.
" no I'm not ". I told him he turned around so fast held my face in his hands and said " don't you dare say that again Lois your gorgeous and if you can't see that then something is wrong with you because I love you I don't love u cause your looks are perfect I love you cause your everything I've ever wanted your amazing ". He kissed me and I was breathtaking still stubborn and denied that I wasn't beautiful but I kept it to myself  cause I knew it bothered Ashton.
Ashton's POV
I took Lois to the huge fair and we had so much fun she was beautiful but she didn't realize it if only she knew how I really felt. Wait. I have the perfect idea I can call Kayla and she could see a song just for Lois. I texted Kayla while Lois was getting more food for us and she agreed to write a song for Lois and Preform it. " Let's go on the Ferris wheel ". We went on the Ferris wheel and we got stuck at the top and I kissed her and she smiled and said " I love you ". I said " I love you too dear ". We rode every single ride we could find and we soon went home and we ordered pizza cause we got home late and we ate the pizza and cuddled on the couch watching so many movies on Netflix.
Kayla's POV
I went to the studio to record my new songs but I decided to record a song for Lois and luckily my good friend Miguel was there and he said we should do a duet together so we decided to call the
song #Beautiful .

Kayla~ Ah Ah your beautiful yeah ah ah your beautiful

Miguel~ hop on the back of my bike let the good wind blow through your hair with an ass like that and a smile so bright oh your killing me you know it ain't fair yeah ride on through the middle of the night let the moonlight kiss your skin when you dance like that your Jeans so tight oh your killing me oh any do it again your beautiful your mind is f*cking beautiful and I can't pretend that doesn't mean a thing to me to me yeah your beautiful oh good lord your f*ucking beautiful and I can't pretend that doesn't a thing to me to me yeah

Kayla~ I like when you run red lights don't stop till you thrill me oh how you thrill me always in control how you don't oh I don't know but I don't care take me anywhere cause it's beautiful ooh you make me feel invincible and I can't pretend that doesn't mean a thing to me to me oh yeah

Together~ your Beautiful and your mind is beautiful and (baby girl) I can't pretend that Doesn't mean a thing to me ( beautiful ooh ) yeah your beautiful ( beautiful ) good lord your beautiful and I can't pretend that doesn't mean a thing to me to me oh yeah ( oh how you thrill me ) ooh-oo-ohh ( ah ah ah your beautiful) you don't know what your darling noo-ooo ( ah ah beautiful ) hop on the back of my bike ooh darling oh I'll take you ( ah ah so beautiful ) oh-oh -ah oh , oh oh ah, oh, oh, ah , ah, ah, ah
Oh oh ah, oh oh ah , oh oh ah, ah ah ah, don't you worry darling, ( oh oh ah , oh oh ah, oh ah oh ah, ah ah ah )

Kayla~ { extremely high note } your beautiful { ends with a whistle }

We put our headphones down and hugged each other we replayed the song and we loved the song so much we decided we would sing it a lot together at our concerts " Do you have to preform tomorrow ". Miguel asked me.
" yeah and do you ". I asked him and he said " yes so we will preform our song tomorrow ". We gave each other another hug and I left with Ari. " let's go get something to eat ". We eat and headed back to Ari's place.


" Ashton Where Are We Going ".? He bought me this really pretty skater dress that was black and it had sparkles all over it and black flats and I straightened my hair which took FOREVER and I wore my black SnapBack backwards and he said " a special place for you ".! I had no idea where he was taking me so we got in the limo and as I got out I saw the arena . " are u performing ".? Asked him and he said " nope not today but your sister is now let's go ". Wait . WHAT.? Why was he bringing me here like I love my sister and all but he could've told me where we were going so we walked in and saw all the boys like ok this is not normal usually when they have a few days off they go their separate ways like what's going on.??? I went up to Cal and said " Where's Kayla ".? He smiled and said getting ready she'll be out in a minute and she told me to tell you to stay back here . I just went back to Ashton and was wondering what could be so important.
I saw Kayla come out of her dressing room and I was wowed . She looked amazing. She was wearing this really pretty black sparkly long dress it kinda looked like a prom/ red carpet dress but it was really really pretty .!! Her hair was in sleeked curls and she came up to me and said " I'm so glad you came because tonight is so important to all of us ".!! Before I could even ask her anything she left . I was speechless but Ashton came to me and said " Follow Me ".!

Kayla, Kayla , Kayla ,.!  The crowd cheered .!

I came out and said " Please Welcome My Sister Lois Friedman ".! As the crowd roared.! Ashton carried her to the stage and put her down on a stool in the middle of the stage. " This song is made for you ".! As I looked at Lois.

As I started singing the lyrics .

" Ah , ah your beautiful ( yeah ) ah your beautiful "

Miguel- hop on the back of my bike and let the good wind blow through your hair an ass like that and a smile so bright oh your killing me you know it ain't fair yeah ride on through the middle of the night let the moonlight kiss your skin when you dance like that your jeans so tight oh babe your killing me do it again

Both - ah your beautiful and your mind is fucking beautiful and I can't pretend that doesn't mean a thing yeah your beautiful good lord your so fucking beautiful and I can't pretend that doesn't mean a thing to me , me , me yeah , yeah , yeah

Kayla - I like when you run red lights don't stop til you thrill me always in control how you do it I don't know but I don't care take me anywhere cause it's beautiful ooh you make me feel invincible and babe I can't pretend that doesn't mean a thing to me oh to me yeah

Both- ohh- oo- ohh, ooh- oo- ohh, ( ah ah ah beautiful ) yeah yeah so beautiful ( ah ah so beautiful ) you don't know what your doing no-oo ( ah ah so beautiful ) hop on the back of my bike darling ohh I'll take you there ( high whistle ) oh - oh - ah, oh, oh, ah, oh - oh - ah , ah-ah--ah
                          [X 2]
Don't you worry darling [ another high whistle ]

Everyone cheered and clapped as I said " whooo thank you and that sing is meant for everybody because it doesn't matter what other people think about you I love you all babes ".! 💋

I hugged Lois .! And she smiled and we went backstage as everyone in the back and they all cheered and Luke and I kissed as Ashton and Lois kissed .!

" lesson learned I finally understand that no matter what people call me I'll still have you guys ".! " And Kayla thank you for the unconditional love that you give me I appreciate it ".! Lois said as we hugged again.!

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