Marry Me (Jaya AU)

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A/N: This oneshot is inspired by the movie "Marry Me"
Enjoy 😊

Back story: Nya is a famous singer, and with her famous new fiance Cole, they are the celebrity couple everyone is talking about.
And now Nya is going to sing a song dedicated to their love.

Nya was about to go up on stage. But before she could, her assistant Dareth ran to her to tell her some stocking news.

"Nya! Nya! NYA!!" Dareth ran to her panting.
"What is it, Dareth? I am about to go on stage at any moment now." Nya asked, while Dareth caught his breath.
" you..." Dareth said while still catching his breath and resting his hands on his knees.
"Okey, what?" She asked.
"Here, take a look at this." He said, giving his phone to her.

Nya took the phone and saw a video of Cole kissing a random girl outside of his hotel room.
She didn't know how to react. She was shocked, angry, and sad.

"What am I supposed to do now?" She asked her assistant while tears started to form in her eyes.
"I don't know. I just thought that you might want to know this."
"Is it anybody else that has seen this?" She asked, now tears fell down her cheeks.
"It has over 6 million views, and it's only been out for about 15 minutes." He told her, a sad and stressed fance.

She was about to say something before she was dragged out to the stage, where thousands of people waited for her to finally hear the sew song "Marry Me"

Nya just stood there with tears all over her face.
She took a deep breath and put on a fake smile.

"I was told that... the love of my life was... ehm... cheating on me with another woman." She said with a shaking voice.

"Is only natural that I say something if not about marriage than about love.
Because that's what we're all looking for, right? Love.
We get so caught up in what we want our life to be that we forget what our love actually is... a lie."

Everyone gasped for what she just said. But Nya continued her speech.

"A fairy tale that you told yourself so long ago that you forgot that wasn't real."

Meanwhile, backstage, Cole was next to Dareth and had just seen the video.

"She making a fool of herself." Cole said.
"No, you did that." Dareth told him back.

"You have that perfect idea of the perfect marriage. But that's exactly what it is... an idea." Nya said.

It was quiet in the arena. The audience was shocked, to say the least.

"Life can be so strange sometimes." She continued.

Her gaze caught a young man with aburn and curly hair holding a sign that read 'Marry Me'
Nya thought for herself before she said:

"And now I'm going to do something strange that I hope I won't regret."

She looked at the man with the sign.

"You!" She pointed at the man, and the headlights turned to him.
Now everyone looked at him, confused.

He just stood there shocked. He pointed at himself and said, "Me?"
"Yes, you. I want to marry you. Now, here on this stage." Nya said.

Everyone cheered and pulled the very confused man up on stage.

Now they stood opposite each other, face to face. With a priest who will wed them.

"Do you, Nya Smith, take this man -" the priest said when he got interrupted by the man.
"Jay." The man said.
"Jay?" The priest asked for his last name.
"Walker." Jay answered.
"Jay Walker to be your husband? To love him through sickness and health? Through the bad and the good?" The priest continued.

"I do." Nya said, looking at the cute freckled boy.

"And do you, Jay Walker, take Nya Smith to be your wife? To love her through sickness and health? Through the bad and the good?" The priest asked.

Jay was silent. He wasn't prepared to get married during a concert.
Especially with someone he barely knew.
But he had to say something.

"I-I do." He finally answered.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may now kiss your bride." The priest finally said.

And the two shared a loving kiss.

The end!

A/N: So yeah, I hope you liked this little AU. I recommend you watch "Marry Me". It's a really good movie.

Bye for now👋

☯️ Jaya Oneshots ⚡️💙 🌊Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang