- Runaway Prince -

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"You know the king is going to be pissed at you for this, right?"

The guard said to the prince as he made his way out of the gates and headed for the shipping docks.

Porter didn't say anything as he continued his way through the woods. He still seemed to be kind of shook from earlier.
The guard sighed as he continued to follow him, making sure that he's left unharmed on his way.

The two men eventually arrived at their destination. Lukas watched as the sailors and captains of the ships were loading up on stock so that their trading business stay afloat.
Lukas was never allowed to go near them, his father was a strict man and didn't want his son to go out on the seas.

If Lukas were to get injured or killed on a trip, it would be bad news for Lonia's kingdom. Lukas knew this, but it's not like Lukas was a weak man. Hell, he's even been trained in combat with the guards sometimes.

"Porter. You know that-" The guard tried to speak, but Lukas ended up cutting him off.

"Yeah, yeah, I know Aiden. I'm not even trying to go near them!" He scoffed as he went back to watching.
The guard just rolled his eyes and sighed.

Aiden went over to one of the sailors to ask about the trades they've managed to make while they were out for the past few days. Once he did, Lukas slowly walked away and strolled along the beach while the dark brown-haired man was distracted.

Lukas saw a rowboat in the distance. Small waves crashed into it as the tides came in and out. He stared at the boat and thought about all that's happened. He thought about... how free he could be if he wasn't the prince.

"If only... I could just... escape..."

"If only I could just... runaway..."

"... Wait..."

Porter paused at that thought that had raced his mind.


Lukas was left with that thought lingering in his mind. If he can actually... run away from it all. He would be as free as a bird... He wouldn't have to put up with his father.. He wouldn't have to-


Lukas's thoughts were stopped as he heard the guard screaming his name. He sighed and made his way back to the guard, who stared at him with suspicion.
They both made their way back to the kingdom as Lukas was left still thinking about the rowboat.

the two men hurried back to the palace since Lukas wasn't allowed to be out at night. As they got inside the palace prince waved the guard goodnight as he soon headed to his room.

Porter stared into his room as he entered. After closing his door and locking it, he went back to thinking about the rowboat he saw.

He took off his crown and stared into the sapphires that were embedded in it. He knew what he should do, but could he really get away with it.
The guards were powerful, and if he did get caught, his father would surely cause hell.

"But... Who said it was impossible...?"

After Lukas said that to himself, he heard a knock on his door. He went to it and opened it, only to find Jessica.

"Jess?" Lukas spoke as he let the former princess in.

"Sorry to bother you at this time Lukas, I just wanted to see how you were doing?" She answered back, prompting the prince to give her a reassuring smile.

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