Chapter 2: Dr. Evil

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It's 9:35 pm at night and I'm planning to leave and see if I have superpowers.

I know it sounds stupid, but hear me out, I literally crashed through a brick wall and got only a couple of scratches and maybe one bruise after touching a glowing stone.

A stone that came from outer space, struck me into the sky and sent me flying. So it's plausible, my plan is to leave and see if I can fly, if not, then I'll just stop trying.

I grabbed my soaked raincoat off of my bed, a flashlight off of my bedside table, and slowly opened my door.

I slowly walked down the stairs, so as to not make a sound, I couldn't have my parents hear me.

I still could hear the rain pouring outside, it was almost calming in some way.

Once I reached the door I looked around to make sure that the coast was clear, then I slowly opened the door and ran outside. Slowly closing the door after.

Once I got outside I took a sigh of relief that I was able to do that without getting caught.

Thunder boomed all around me as the rain continued to violently hit me and the wind blew hard.

The flashlight was barely helping me see, but it was just enough for me to go where I wanted to go.

At some points I had to shield my eyes from the rain because the rain was getting in my face and blinding me.

I was pushing my body against the wind to get to a walk-on bridge.

That's right, I figured I might as well jump off of the bridge and see if I can fly.

Since the bridge is about 5 inches off of the water, I doubt that I would get hurt. Even if I do get even more soaked than I already am.

I gave myself a little pep talk, even if the bridge wasn't far off of the ground.

"Come on Mike, what's the worst that could happen? Besides falling into the cold water below." I told myself.

I couldn't tell how deep the water was, mainly because it was dark outside and the currents of the water were violently colliding into each other. I had just hoped that I would fly.

I couldn't get myself to jump for a few minutes, but eventually I braced myself for impact just in case this hurts me.

I jumped as high as I could into the air and then fell into the water, diving into it and slicing through the surface of the water with a loud splash.

The water then engulfed me as I had broken through the surface of it, and then a rush of adrenaline and fear coursed through me.

With a sickening thud I hit hard rocks below me and a sharp pain shot through my arm and forehead.

For a moment, everything felt like it was happening in slow motion, I had realized what mistake I had made.

I could see the blood in the water, I felt pressure pushing me down, and heard the muffled sound of my own heartbeat in my ears.

I tried my hardest to swim back up but the water pushed me down as if it was determined to keep me under.

I felt my lungs burning for air, my limbs growing heavy and numb. Panic set in, and I struggled to maintain my composure.

I can't die now! This is not how I go out! I thought to myself.

And with a burst of strength I was able to break through the surface of the water, gasping for air and coughing up water but also making another huge splash while I was at it.

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