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I raised my phone to take a picture of the night sky, while walking. "How beautiful.." I mumbled while my eyes sparkled under the moonlight. I placed my phone in my pocket after taking multiple pictures of the moon.

As my legs danced along the lone side walk, I came across a kitten that rested before my feet. I crouched down and gently ran my fingers across its soft but dirty fur. "Looks like you've been out for quite a long time." I smiled and picked up the kitten in my hands.

I put the abandoned kitten into the sleeve of my orange knitted sweater to give some warmth in such cold weather. "Lechugo!" I yell and run home carefully.


"Now it's my turn to shower okay little guy?" I said, petting the clean kitten that sat on my bed. I grabbed my clothes and headed to the shower. Before I got into the shower I realized I left my phone outside of the bathroom.

I quickly put on my robe and headed out of the bathroom. I grabbed my phone as soon as I saw it but realized the kitten wasn't where I left it. "Huh? Where could this little guy be?" I ask myself. I turned around to see a tall boy with broad shoulders standing in my room, his naked back facing towards me.

I screamed before grabbing the closest object to me; a pillow. The confused boy turned his attention to me before backing up and screaming with me. "W-Who are you?!" I asked after the screaming came to a stop.

"I'm Jungwon! Where am I?" He replied. "I'm Y/n and you are in my house!" I answer his question. "Oh shit did I turn into a cat again?" Jungwon questioned himself. "Huh?" I say confused. I realized I was talking to a shirtless boy and screamed while covering my eyes.

"Oh my gosh! Put on a shirt!" I yell while throwing the pillow at him. "What am I supposed to wear? And why is my hair wet?" He asked. "I just showered you as a kitten!" I scream back. "Stop screaming!" He yelled.

I stood up, still covering my eyes and headed towards the distinct direction of my closet. "Wall!" I heard Jungwon shout. I opened my eyes and noticed I was going in the wrong direction. I turned around and walked to my closet.

I grabbed the same orange knitted sweater I was wearing earlier and turned around to see Jungwon standing in front of me. "What the fuck!" I yelled and pushed him. "Don't pop up like that." I warned with my fist in the air.

Jungwon nodded and I threw the sweater at him. "I'm taking a shower, don't touch my stuff." I instructed. "Wait, what happens if I turn back into a kitten?" He asked, pulling me back by my wrist. I shrugged and pushed his hand off me.

"Wait, but I'm hungry." He pouted. I shrugged and pushed his hand off mine again, before heading towards the bathroom. I quickly showered and headed out of the bathroom again. This time in my pajamas.

"What the hell?" I mumble after seeing how clean my room was. "Sorry, it was messy I couldn't help cleaning it." Jungwon's voice popped out from behind me. "It's okay, do you want ramen?" I asked and he nodded.

"Okay, I'll make sure there is a lot." I grinned and headed to the kitchen. While serving the ramen, Jungwon kept asking questions like how I found him. "I don't know, just eat!" I replied and started to slurp up my noodles.

  Suddenly I heard something shift and chop sticks falling to the floor. I looked up to see Jungwon was not there. I got up, walked to the other side of my island and looked down to see the same kitten sitting on my sweater, from earlier this night.

    I crouched down and picked him up. This time I held the kitten close to my face, admiring it's features. As I stared in awe, I couldn't help but mumble to myself.

"You look so cute as both human and kitten.."

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