Chapter 3

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The person who glared back at me had such frigid aura that even my own heart wanted to freeze

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The person who glared back at me had such frigid aura that even my own heart wanted to freeze. I gulped.

"I-I'm..." My voice failed me when I took in his blond hair. It was obvious he was no ordinary nobleman. My knees grew weak.

He came forward and took the reins of the horse, checking to see that his steed was well.

My mouth had gone dry. I forced my mind to one simple task. I curtsied. "I...greet His Imperial Highness...the crown prince."

There was no other person this young man could be. There was only one prince in this empire, and I already knew what the emperor looked like. I quickly dropped my gaze out of respect and kept my mouth shut, not daring to speak again unless he spoke first, as was proper.

"Were you kneeling?" he asked.

I flinched. Did he want me to kneel? When I looked down at the ground to consider it, I realized he meant the smudges on my dress.

"Ah, um... Yes. Earlier," I replied.


I wanted to look at his face, but I resisted. I had heard the crown prince was strikingly handsome, and here I only got the barest glimpse.

"I was looking for something," I said in the steadiest voice I could muster. "I saw your horse was I healed him."

Silence. I swallowed again as I awaited his reply, but none came. I prayed that he would leave soon. Certainly I had done nothing to offend him, unless touching his horse was somehow forbidden. Was it? I didn't know.

His low, smooth voice broke the silence. "What were you looking for?"

"The Ghost Star."

"Ghost Star?"


"Did you find one?"

"I did. But—your horse—he ate it."

A pause. "Why do you want a Ghost Star?"

Why do you keep talking to me? Shouldn't the crown prince have something better to do than talk to a low-ranked noblewoman?

"Research," I blurted out. "I'm doing research."

"How did you heal my horse?"

Please stop asking me questions! "With magic."

Another stretch of quiet followed, and I felt the sweat begin at my temples. I wanted to ask him how he lost his horse, I lifted my gaze to see him better, his green eyes bore into me so intensely that I nearly lost all strength in my legs. I did not think he was angry with me, but I didn't know why he looked at me so.

A lady's voice called out. "Elona? Where in the world are you?"

My heart raced. It was my sister, Vanessa. When she at last saw me, she rushed over—and then skidded to a stop when she saw the prince. Just as I had done, she quickly lowered her head and curtsied.

"Ah! Greetings to Your Highness, Crown Prince Esidwa," she said. Before us stood the esteemed Prince Esidwa Edren Yuriana, an exotic name, but a name fit for royalty. I envied my sister when she spoke because she sounded more composed than I had, which made me feel childish. She glanced sharply at me and whispered, "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"House Markham," the prince said.

"Indeed," Vanessa replied. "It is an honor to see you here, Your Highness."

How did he know our house? He might know my father, but not us. We had never met before.

"I apologize if my younger sister has offended you," Vanessa went on. "We will take our leave immediately."

"The Ghost Star," he said.


"I know where there are more."

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