Chapter 13

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His Highness approached me

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His Highness approached me. "Did you find anything interesting?"

I wondered why he got up and walked away earlier. He said he had also wanted to find a cure for this new disease, but he didn't take notes or comment on the book. Was he making me do all the work? Why would he do that when he was clearly much smarter than me?

I sighed and touched the book's golden cover. "I found a little that might be useful. Most of what is written here is common knowledge, and since the writing is in an older language, I had trouble discerning the meanings of some phrases."

He picked up the little tome. "I'll look into it later."

Something about his indifference bothered me. If he had planned to look at this book all along, I didn't understand why he chose to involve me. I eyed the books under his arm, but I couldn't see their titles. He said nothing about them.

I gathered my notes and stood, feeling embarrassed now. This was my last and only chance to do research of any real use because I was at the imperial library, the best source of information in the whole empire. This book seemed like my best chance at getting somewhere, and yet it provided very few clues. Where else could I possibly look?

His Highness peered at me quietly. I averted my gaze and bowed my head. "Thank you, Your Highness, for allowing me to be here."


Honestly, I couldn't help but think he was being a bit rude. But what could I say to a prince about that? I had to get it out of my head that he was being my friend. Why would a prince want to be friends with a baron's daughter?

We returned to the lower floor and His Highness saw me to the exit. I curtsied to give my goodbye, and thanked him again for allowing me in the private library, but he said, "I didn't get a chance to ask you."


"Why do you want to find a cure for the disease?"

Was this what he meant to ask me a few days ago? "I can't stand to see people suffer, even if I don't know them." I cupped my hands, and my violet mana glowed. "No matter who they are, rich or poor, I want to help people. I've even thought of joining a temple to serve." I shook my head sadly. "But I don't have divine power. Even so, I think I can still be of use to someone with my healing magic."

His expression never changed, but I thought something shifted in his green eyes. Such a pretty emerald green...

His lips parted to speak, but he hesitated at first. "I wish you good fortune in your search."

His response disappointed me. I had opened up to him about my dream, which was not easy. I had been laughed at before by other nobles, although my family supports my goals. Did he find me foolish?

As I walked away, I wanted to glance back at him, to take in his handsome figure one last time, knowing I would never be this close to such an important person ever again. But I resisted. It was pointless. I decided I would hold the memory of this day in my heart instead.

I could feel his eyes on me as I left.

I could feel his eyes on me as I left

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