// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕥𝕨𝕠 //

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hiraeth - part twenty-two


       It took Y/n some time to adjust to living in Capsule Corporation. She honestly still hadn't adjusted, but had gotten an idea of what to expect the night her father had dropped her off. Vegeta had no patience, and cared little for Y/n beyond stating that she had vast potential for a human. That was to be expected from a Saiyan. Trunks was similar to his father in that he didn't care for Y/n much, until Bulma had suggested they play video games together. Trunks found out that night that a bored insomniac was far greater than him at video games.

Once Trunks had rage quit and stomped away, off to his room, it was just Y/n and Bulma. Y/n sighed nervously, needing to speak to Bulma about her and Goku's plans. As Y/n turned to look at Bulma, Y/n received a harsh glare from Bulma.

"I can't believe you." Bulma said, practically seething. Y/n flinched, wondering what she had done now to anger Bulma. It seemed like Y/n was always upsetting people lately.

"What? What did I do now?" Y/n asked, almost annoyed that she had done something wrong again. Bulma's eyes widened, before she glowered at Y/n.

"Chi-Chi told me what you did. What were you thinking, kissing Goku!?" Bulma exclaimed, before going off on a tangent about how she expected better of Y/n. Y/n could only raise a brow in confusion, trying to recall such an action. But Y/n had never done such a thing, she held herself to a higher esteem than that.

"I never kissed Goku. Chi-Chi hates me, and I don't even know why. She found out I had gotten kicked out of my house a while back, and she's been rude to me ever since." Y/n crossed her arms, huffing in annoyance. Although she was more sad than anything. Even Bulma was turning against her now. Bulma frowned, her arms falling to her sides as she tilted her head in confusion.

"You were kicked out? Why?" Bulma questioned. Y/n sighed, covering her eyes as she attempted to hide her out of control emotions. Unknown to either of them, Y/n's eye color rapidly shifted between e/c and black, especially the more she began to panic, her eyes watering.

"My dad misunderstood my friendships with Goku and Gohan. He's overprotective, and thought I was being a whore. I got mad and rebelled, but all I did was go to their house. He freaked out and just... kicked me out. We've smoothed things over, but... Everyone keeps assuming I have something with them. I can't even be friends with a boy without someone assuming something. I honestly feel bad for being in their lives now..." Y/n explained. She took a shaky breath, trying to calm herself down. "Sorry, I don't mean to dump my problems on you when I'm just a guest. It's just frustrating..."

"You and Gohan aren't a thing?" Bulma asked in confusion. She could've sworn they were. Shaking her head, she brought herself back to the original subject, sighing. "I'm sorry. I should've known better. Chi-Chi's always been like that, being possessive and manipulative. She went around telling everyone you kissed Goku without permission. I guess it was just easy to believe seeing as how you two were close, even when you'd just met. You two just clicked perfectly."

Y/n smiled at that. Bulma wasn't wrong about that. Even though it wasn't their true first meeting, Y/n didn't hesitate to dance with Goku the night of the dance. She always got along with him, they'd never fought. She didn't even get along with Gohan as well as her and Goku did. 

But perhaps that was the problem. It seemed like everyone was against their friendship. Y/n was beginning to second guess their friendship, thinking it was for the best that Y/n didn't see him anymore. She swallowed nervously, covering her face again as she felt the waterworks coming.

"I guess I should stop hanging out with Goku. It's just hard... He's my friend. H-He was going to help me..." Y/n paused, unsure if she should say anything now. Maybe she should just give up on her wish. Bulma furrowed her brows, intrigued.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now