Chapter 6

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No one's POV:

Izuku: Huh? Adopt me?

Selina: We know you haven't been in this world for long, but it has been enough time to have you in the family by now.

Izuku: Hm.

Selina: We are not trying to replace your real parents, may they rest in peace. But we think that it is a good idea for you to have a family in this world.

Bruce: And Selina likes you a lot so she wants to be your mom.

Selina: Shush.

Izuku: It's not like i mind but... how? How would this work? I technically don't exist in this world.

Bruce: You do now, i already took care of that.

Izuku: Let me guess, you hacked into public records and added me there?


Izuku: Don't you think they will notice?

Bruce: They won't. They don't care.

Selina: It's sad, because they barely care about anything that happens in this goddamn city. So, do you accept to be our adopted child Izuku?

Izuku looks at the two and then signs the papers and selina smiles.

Izuku: One request.

Bruce: Sure what is it?

Izuku: I will keep my last name, no wayne and not any other last name.

Bruce: Fine by me.

Selina: Sure, i don't mind.

Izuku: Alright then, can i go now?

Bruce: You can.

Izuku nods and heads upstairs to go to his room. On the way there he starts listening to a voice once again but this time it was another unknown male voice.

Izuku: Why are you calling out to me for?

No response.

Izuku: No response huh. Of course.

???: What are you doing?

Izuku turns around and sees Cassandra with a glass of water on her hand staring at him.

Izuku: Cassandra.

Cassandra: Were you talking to yourself?

Izuku: Yeah... i do that from time to time. I have through a lot.

Cassandra: Can relate.

Izuku: You have been through too?

Cassandra: I couldn't even say a single word until a few years ago so... you can imagine.

Izuku: I see.

Cassandra: You are going to sleep?

Izuku: Yeah, it has been a rough night. I need to rest.

Cass stares at him and suddenly hugs him.

Izuku: Huh? Cass?

Cassandra: I was eavesdropping earlier and uhhh welcome to the family i guess.

Izuku: Sure, thanks i guess.

Cassandra: Goodnight.

Izuku: Yeah goodnight to you too.

Izuku goes inside his room and locks the door. He starts undressing while grunting a little.

Izuku: Damn.

He checks himself in the mirror and notices a big bruise.

Izuku: That doesn't look good.

He touches it a little and grunts in pain.

Izuku: Hurts like a bitch.

He lays down on the bed and stres at the ceiling for a few seconds before he closes his eyes.

Izuku opens his eyes and notices a few things, first, this isn't his room and second, why is there 8 seats in front of him right now?

Izuku: Hello?

Banjo: Ah, you finally made it here kid.

Izuku: Where exactly is here Banjo?

Banjo: Oh you can talk? Well that's good.

Izuku: What is this place?

???: You are inside one for all.

Izuku looks at the person that said that seeing it was the first user who was standing beside izuku.

Izuku: You are-

Yoichi: The first user, yes, i am. My name is Yoichi Shigaraki.

Izuku: Shigaraki? So that's where that comes from.

Yoichi: Yes.

Izuku: You are the voice i heard earlier, where you... calling me here?

Yoichi: In a way, yes.

Izuku: Why?

???: Because we need to talk with you izuku.

Izuku: You are all might's master, Nana Shimura.

Nana: That's me.

Izuku: Hm. You said wanted to talk but.. about what exactly?

Banjo: About... whatever this is kid.

Izuku: I don't follow.

Banjo: This whole aggresive dark emo vigilante thing you have going on.

Nana: You are driven by your want for revenge izuku.

Izuku: And that's a bad thing?

Nana: Of course it is!!

Banjo: What kind of question is that? You are different kid. What happened to the real you?

Izuku: The real me? That guy is dead, he's gone. That guy got mom and dad killed because he was weak and useless. I was supposed to protect people but instead i got two of the most important people in my life killed because of my weakness. And now im here leaving all my friends and Eri behind and im not able to know what is happening, and turns out the same guy im supposed to stop and murdered my parents came here with me.

Izuku looks down and clenches his fists.

Izuku: Im different, yes. I need to be in order to beat shigaraki, i need to be stronger... if i need to be aggresive then so be it.

Yoichi: I see. I understand your point midoriya and i trust you know what you are doing. But, you should be careful not go on a path you can't come out of.

Izuku: Like you said, i know what im doing. As for the second thing, that's a risk im willing to take, that's what heroes do right? They take risks for others wellbeing.

Yoichi looks at izuku with a small smile while nana looks worried. Yoichi knows izuku means well, his way of doing things is questionable sometimes but he is doing it to protect others.

Izuku: So uhh you all are inside of me.

Banjo: That sounds so wrong but yes, we literally live inside of you. We can talk to you and even see what you see.

Izuku: I see.

Nana: Izuku, i have something to ask of you... in a way this also counts as a personal request. Tenko he... he has become very dangerous and unstable, he will not stop until he gets what he wants. I know he is part of my family, so this is why i feel the need to ask you this. When the time comes and you two have to face eachother do you think... do you think you can kill him?

And chapter done.


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