31 - A sign

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Olivia's heart took off when she saw her grandmother's call.

The older woman's voice was calm. "Olivia, your father called me. He would like to talk to you."

They had never spoken on the phone. "Um. Okay."

"I will give him your number. Call me after you've spoken."

"I will."

She held her phone in her hand like a piece of dynamite. Max looked poised to pounce. "My father is calling me."

"Are you okay?"

She forced a smile. "He's still alive."

Her phone rang. He said, "Should I leave?"

"No!" She held out her hand and Max lunged to take it in his. "Hello."

"Livvy, my girl."

"How are you?"

"Still breathing. I need more oxygen. The coughing is worse."

Max nodded and squeezed her hand. He could hear as well.

"I'm calling to let you know something important. I hired an attorney who worked out a bargain with the government."

"A. What?" Would he die in jail?

"I'm free. The statute of limitations has expired, but I've paid restitutions. I'm no longer wanted and my assets are my own."

"Did you do it for me?"

He coughed, and she shut her eyes and waited. "I did it because it was the right thing to do. It had been in process before you visited."

"Thank you."

"The news might pick up the story. My mother will handle it."

"Grandmother knows?"

"Yes. Sweet Livvy, I want you to accept my parting gifts. Keep it or donate it. It's your choice."


He started coughing. Kyrenia said, "He can't talk now."

Max pulled her into a hug. She clung to him and tried not to cry. "Liv." He pressed his lips to her ear. "You were right to forgive him. The man is making amends."

"I know, but why did he wait so long?"

"Facing death is a powerful motivator. I saw last minute reconciliations right outside the OR doors."

"Did the patient die?"

He chuckled. "No, she had a great doctor."

She slapped his back. "Cocky."

"No, I was a second-year resident. That's why I wasn't in the OR waiting."

She pulled back smiling. "Thank you for making me laugh." She moved her face towards his cheek but angled it at his lips at the last minute. He didn't pull back as she pressed into his soft lips. When she stepped back, she said, "I have to call my grandmother."

He nodded. "Make it quick Cinderella, we have a ball to dress for."

"I have a dress, not a ballgown."

Her heart was beating in a lovely rhythm. Even her father couldn't steal the joy of Max's lips on hers.

She placed her call while Max cleaned up the peanut butter. Abigail reassured her she would handle the press. "If any contact you, say 'no comment' and walk away with your head held high like the strong Browning woman you are."

As she watched Max wash a knife, she felt strong and wouldn't back down from a challenge. Olivia took her makeup case and robe into the bathroom. Her signature look was minimal makeup - the girl next door meets three-inch heels and a fabulous dress. It was perfect for a wedding or book release reception. She might feel out of place as the girl from Manhattan in the designer dress, but she was a Browning.

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