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3rd grade trip zoo.

"Naya! Look at the flamingos!" I run over to 9 year old Hunter to look at the flamingoes with her.

"They're so pretty!" I smile at the flamingoes. They're so pretty and pink! I grab hunters hand and run over to the stingrays. The stingrays are in an open enclosure so you're able to touch them!

Me and Hunter are having so much fun! After a little we went to the fountain to eat lunch with all the other kids in my grade since there were lunch tables there.

Me and Hunter walk close to the fountain to throw a coin in and make a wish. I close my eyes with the coin in my hand and get ready to toss it in. Out of nowhere I'm completely drenched. Head to toe and I'm sitting in the fountain.

I look at the person who pushed me in and it was Nicholas Jones.

"Why'd you do that!" I yell at him as teachers start walking towards me since I'm in the fountain.

"Oops?" Did he say oops? Oops!? No sorry? No it's an accident? Just oops!

"What do you mean 'oops' you just pushed me in the fountain!" He shrugs and walks away as I step out the fountain completely drenched head to toe in the nasty fountain water.

"Don't walk away from me!" I walk to him and grab his arm. "Why'd you push me!"

He just shrugs and moves his arm away. "I don't know, leave me alone" I scoff at his words and I'm not about to let this slide so I push him into the fountain.

"Hey!" I cross my arms over my chest and smile. "Hi"

"Nayeli. Nicholas." I look at the teacher who just saw me push Nicholas in the fountain. "You two come with me."

Nicholas steps out the fountain and follows the teacher who walks to the gift shop where there should be some clothes to buy. I trail behind them shivering since it's cold outside and I'm soaking wet.

The teacher gets two shirts and two pairs of pants for us and pays for them. She looks at us and shakes her head.

"Nayeli why would you push him in the fountain?" I roll my eyes and point at Nicholas.

"He pushed me in first and didn't even apologize." She looks at Nicholas.

"Why didn't you apologize?"

"I did ma'am she just pushed me even when I apologized to her since it was an accident and I didn't mean to"

"You're such a liar! You didn't even apologize to me!"

"Nayeli. Enough." I look at the teacher and cross my arms as tears start stinging my eyes. I'm not sad I'm just frustrated with him and myself.

I take the clothes and head to the bathroom desperate to change and desperate to get these tears out of my eyes.

. . . . .

7th grade.

I'm sitting in math class minding my business talking to Leila about what we're going to be for Halloween. I'm thinking about being Wonder Woman or Harley Quinn. She's thinking about being a pirate or a vampire. She tells me to do Harley Quinn and I tell her to be a vampire.

Nicholas Jones sits right in front of me. His dark brown hair being slightly curly. I glare at the back of his head. Before class he bumped into me causing me to drop my things and he didn't even say sorry or help me pick them up.

I chew my gum and cross my arms over my chest as he does his work. I look at Leila who's also doing her work and smirk. I lean forward and take my gum out my mouth and stick it in his hair. I sit back down in my chair and watch as he slowly reaches to the back of his head and touches his hair. He turns to face me his face red with anger.

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