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"I hate this place." I look over at Leila who agrees with me. "Yes, but it's our last year before college!"

I shake my head, "yea but guess what that also means we're going to college soon, and I'm scared of leaving you guys."

"Stop freaking out girl everything will be okay, we'll always be your friend okay." I sigh, "I know Leila and I'm grateful for that."

She rubs my arm and kisses my cheek. "It'll be okay girl." I sigh and close my eyes. "I'm kind of excited though." My dreams since I was little was to become a pediatric nurse. I chose the best college to become a nurse.

She nods. "We can always call and hang out, don't think that just because we're going to different schools doesn't mean you won't be my best friend forever girl."

I nod and smile at her. "Thanks Leila, I'm so glad to have a friend like you." She smiles at me and gives me a big tight hug. "Let's get to class!" I laugh and shake my head as we make our way to class.

Once we got to class there were only 2 seats open. One next to Leila's girlfriend Eva and the other one is next to fucking Nicholas Jones. I look over at Leila who gives me an apologetic smile and walks over to Eva. I sigh and roll my eyes and make my way to the seat. I go to sit down but suddenly I'm on the floor because some idiot pulled my chair and I fell.

I glare at Nicholas who just sat there and acted like he didn't do anything. "Really dude. First day back and you are already being a bitch." He rolls his eyes at me

"You're a big girl, you should know to watch your back." I scoff and get up and grab the chair sitting down.

He really gets on my damn nerves. First day back and he wants to cause problems. Sometimes it's not even me that starts it.

I sit down and grab my notebook to write down notes. I tap my pen on the table to annoy Nicholas. I know it's working because he keeps glaring at me. I smile innocently and write down notes as the teacher talks.

I continue writing notes down before suddenly my notebook is soaked in iced coffee and so am I. I clench my fists tight and get up. "You idiot!" I turn to him fighting back the urge to strangle the life out of him. I grab my bag and notebook and leave the class. I groan in frustration and walk to the bathroom.

I text Mae if she has any spare clothes. She says she does and she'll be here in a few minutes. I drop my things on the sink and look at myself in the mirror. I rinse my face in water and wait for Mae to come.

As soon as Mae comes with the clothes I take them and change. I put on the white crop top and the grey sweatpants.

We don't have a dress code since there are other things the school should worry about

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We don't have a dress code since there are other things the school should worry about. I tie my hair up and take a deep breath. He wants to act like a bitch, guess what, two can play that game.

I fix up my lipgloss and leave the bathroom. Classes had just finished by the time I stepped out of the bathroom. I spot Nicholas near his locker getting his things. I glare at him as I make my way to my next class.

I smell like coffee with a hint of caramel. I sit in the back of the classroom and watch as students come in. Jones walks in and sits near his friends. I notice his girlfriend is in this class but she there aren't anymore seats near Jones.

She comes and takes the last seat next to me. She doesn't like me. I think it's because I 'accidentally' threw a frog at her in the 6th grade. Oh well. I lean back in my seat.

"can we switch seats I need to be closer to my honey boo boo bear." I gag at that nickname. She needs to be closer to her honey boo boo bear oh no.

"No." She glares at me and crosses her arms over her chest. "move over weirdo."

I look at her. "who the fuck you calling weird."

"well I mean whenever someone's dad walks out on them they're automatically weird." I look at her as she looks at her nails. Oh no she did not.

She smirks at me knowing her words affected me. What she didn't know is how my fist would be affecting her face.

In a matter of seconds she's on the floor crying.

"Say something now Olivia. You wanna be talking all that shit right but when someone punches the shit outta you, you can't defend yourself. You have no right to talk about my family when your mom is a gold digger and your dad has a kid with someone else!"

I feel someone pull me out the room as I yank my arm away from them. Just my luck it's that dumb bitch Nicholas Jones.

"Get the hell off of me."

"Why did you hit her."

"because I can."

He shakes his head. "Do something right for once Nayeli and stop being such a disappointment."

That word. That one word. Disappoinment. I clench my fists and hold back tears and walk to my locker. I don't know why it hurt so much especially coming from him. I mean yeah my dad called me a disappointment before he walked out of my life and that crushed me. Maybe that's why it hurt so much. I try and try but no matter what I guess I'll just be that same little girl who will always be a disappointment to everyone.

That same little girl who was the reason her dad left and decided on not coming back. Tears fall down my face as I grab my things and leave the school. I wipe them quickly as I don't want people seeing me cry. I'm not going to be seen as a disappointment and a crybaby all in one day.

I take a deep breath as I make my way to my job.

. . . . .

Nicholas Pov

"Do something right for once Nayeli and stop being such a disappointment." In that moment I knew I said something I shouldn't have said. I noticed how her face completely changed. Once filled with pure anger to one with a blank stare. I walked away back into the class as she stood there.

I don't know why I said the word. I know how much it hurts to be called a disappointment but what she did was unacceptable. I walk over to Olivia and help her up as she's crying and calling Nayeli a monster for doing this to her face.

I internally roll my eyes as she's being such a drama queen. I watch as she walks out the class with one of her friends and they make their way to the nurses office. I sit back down next to Josiah and think about what I called Nayeli.

I didn't mean to. It sort of just came out. I tap my fingers on the desk hoping I didn't upset her too much. I mean yeah I did spill my coffee on her earlier but hey it was an accident. I kind of made it seem like it wasn't an accident though.

I sigh as I lay my head on the table. I'll ask Olivia what she did to make Nayeli punch her ass. I close my eyes. I also have to apologize to Nayeli for calling her a disappointment.

. . . . .

Thank you so much for reading. If there any mistakes sorry. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter though.

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