Chapter 2 - The Safe House

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Jon Moxley and Rachel arrived at the safe house after a tense car ride. Rachel was still reeling from the events that had just transpired and couldn't believe that she was in the presence of her favorite wrestler. Moxley took her to the living room and offered her a seat on the couch.

"You okay?" he asked, noticing the look of shock on her face.

Rachel nodded, still trying to process everything that had happened. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't believe this is happening."

Moxley chuckled. "Yeah, it's a lot to take in. But don't worry, you're safe here."

Rachel looked around the room, taking in the minimalistic decor and the numerous weapons scattered around the room. "What is this place?" she asked.

"It's a safe house. I have a few of them scattered around the city. They're secure locations where I can lie low if I need to."

Rachel's eyes widened in realization. "So, you're in some kind of danger?" she asked.

Moxley hesitated before nodding. "Yeah, I am. There are some people out there who don't like what I do and will go to great lengths to stop me."

Rachel felt a wave of fear wash over her. She had always known that being a wrestler was dangerous, but she had never imagined that it was this serious. "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked.

Moxley smiled at her kindness. "Thanks for offering, but this is something I have to handle on my own. I appreciate your concern, though."

Rachel nodded, understanding his need for privacy. They fell into a comfortable silence, and Rachel couldn't help but marvel at the surrealness of the situation. She was sitting in a safe house with her favorite wrestler, and they were having a conversation like they were old friends.

After a while, Moxley broke the silence. "Do you want something to eat?" he asked.

Rachel shook her head, realizing that she hadn't eaten since breakfast. "Actually, I am pretty hungry," she admitted.

Moxley got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen. "I have some pizza in the fridge. Is that okay?"

Rachel nodded gratefully, her stomach growling in anticipation. Moxley returned with a steaming slice of pizza on a plate and handed it to her.

"Thanks," she said, taking a bite. "This is really good."

Moxley grinned. "I try my best."

They spent the rest of the evening talking and eating pizza, with Moxley sharing stories of his wrestling career and Rachel listening in awe. As the night wore on, Rachel began to feel tired, and Moxley showed her to the guest room.

"Get some rest," he said, giving her a small smile. "You're safe here."

Rachel smiled back, feeling a sense of comfort in his words. She fell asleep quickly, with the events of the day finally catching up to her.

As she drifted off, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held. She had been saved by Jon Moxley, and now she was in a safe house with him. What kind of danger was he in, and how would she fit into his world? Only time would tell.

Rachel woke up the next morning to see that Jon was in the living room. As she entered she saw a large TV and comfortable furniture. Jon saw her walk in and said, "Make yourself at home. Would you like anything to drink or eat?"

Rachel shook her head, "No, thank you."

Moxley nodded and took a seat on a couch. Rachel sat down on an armchair, feeling grateful for Moxley's help. She looked around the room, and her eyes fell on a picture of Moxley standing with a championship belt.

"You're a wrestler?" she asked, surprised.

Moxley grinned, "That's right. I'm a wrestler in a company called AEW."

Rachel's eyes widened with excitement, "Oh my God! You're Jon Moxley! You're one of my favorite wrestlers."

Moxley chuckled, "Is that so?"

Rachel nodded eagerly, "Yes, I'm a huge fan of yours. I've watched all your matches."

Moxley smiled, "Well, I'm glad to have a fan like you."

They continued to chat for a while, discussing Moxley's career and Rachel's interests. Rachel couldn't believe that she was talking to her idol, who had just saved her life.

As the night went on, Rachel began to feel more comfortable in Moxley's company. Moxley showed her around his safe house and even introduced her to his pet dog, a pitbull named Killer.

Rachel felt grateful for Moxley's kindness, but she couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. She couldn't go back to her old life, not after what had happened. Would she have to live in hiding forever?

Moxley seemed to sense her worries and said, "Don't worry, Rachel. I'll make sure you're safe. You can stay here as long as you need to."

Rachel was touched by Moxley's kindness and couldn't thank him enough. As the night came to an end, she retired to her room, feeling safe and secure for the first time in days. Rachel then started to feel tired so she went to the guest room and laid down falling asleep shortly after, dreaming about all the things that her and Moxley could do if he wanted to be her friend in the future.

Little did she know, danger was lurking just around the corner.

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