Chapter 3

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Katherine POV

I sat at the study table upstairs where we do most of our studying and waited for Lisa to come upstairs. Now would probably be a great time to do the whole "I've been expecting you" evil villain scene.

I heard Lisa close the front door and she started to walk up the stairs. I tried to hold in my laughter as she saw me at the study table.

"I've been expecting you honey," I said in an evil tone.

I saw Lisa trying to hold in her laughter but played along anyway. "Yes master. Can I be of assistance?" She said, taking a seat in front of me.

"Would you like to discuss with me what happened with Jordan downstairs?" I asked her

"Yes master," Lise said bursting into laughter and so did I.

"So come on, tell me what happened," I urged

"Well... Jordan's really nice but he seems really secretive," she started. "We played 20 questions though,"

"Go on," I smiled

"I found out he likes to dance. But he didn't know he was good at it until his mum signed him up for dance classes. He stopped taking them two years ago but still continues to dance on his own," she said

"So he's a dancer?" I said, lifting my eyebrows up and down.

"Shut it," she said

"Language Lisa!" I laughed. "Go on,"

"Right before his mum came, I asked him about his family. Although he wasn't able to answer and he seemed relieved about it," she said, staring at the table

"That's not a bad thing Lise," I said, putting my hand on her shoulder.

She looked up and smiled. "Yeah I guess,"

"You've just got to trust him to tell you about his family when he thinks it's time. And don't think negative Lise. Negativity just isn't you," I smiled.

"Thanks Kath," she smiled back

"Anything else happen?" I asked

"Nope," she answered before Alex came out of the computer study room.

"Oh you're having girl talk. I'll just go back into the room," he said, slowly walking backwards into the room.

"No it's okay we're done," I laughed

"Oh okay good. I needed to get out of the room. Christina, Laur and Dani are all listening to Heart Attack again," he said, putting his hands in his jumper pocket.

"So I'm guessing you're going to the boys downstairs?" I said

"Yeah, I'm done with the computer anyway," he smiled and started walking downstairs.

"We love you Alex!" Lisa shouted

"Love you guys too," we heard his yell back.

Aw I love my siblings. We're all so different but get along great. I could've have asked for a better family. Thank you God.

Dani POV

It's Sunday and we had all just come back from Church and Nick, Christian and I thought we would spend the afternoon playing Zelda.

Christina sat behind us on the couch texting away on her phone, which reminded me about big Nick coming over tomorrow.

"Nick, Christian, you excited about big Nick coming over tomorrow?" I asked them while the game was loading.

"Yes! He said he would come watch one of my soccer games. I've been practicing real good too," Nick said, sounding proud of himself.

He really was practicing his soccer skills more than usual recently. I know knew why.

"I'm glad he's coming over. We haven't seen him since for about a month. He's like our third big brother and we miss him," Christian said, starting the game as it finished loading.

I smiled and I'm pretty sure I saw Christina smile behind her phone too. I agreed with Christian. Nick was like our third big brother. He loves us like a big brother would and takes care of all of us especially Christina.

"Yeah, he is like our third big brother isn't he?" I said.

"Yep," Christian and Nick said.

I smiled and watched Christian and Nick play. As I did this I saw Christina stand up from the couch. She came over and gave us all a hug. We looked over at Christina and gave her puzzled look.

"You really think Nick is like a big brother to you?" Christina said, unable to wipe the smile off her face.

"He treats us like his younger brothers and sisters and he takes care of us. And plus he loves us and you very much," I smiled

"He does, doesn't he?" She said and we all nodded. She hugged us again before walking off to do her chores.

I focused back on the game and made sure they didn't miss any of the things they needed to collect.

After a while, I left them to play on their own while I went to go find Lisa. I looked in our room and found Lauren reading on the bottom bunk and Lisa lying on her single bed with her phone. Was it text on your phone all day, day?

"Texting someone, are we now?" I teased Lisa, taking a seat next to Lauren on her bed.

"Why did you stop playing Zelda?" Lauren asked

"Christian and Nick are still playing," I answered. "Lisa who you texting?"

She looked up from her phone looking lost so I asked her again. "No one. I was checking my formspring," she laughed

"Weren't you texting Jordan?" Lauren asked, looking up from her book.

"Yeah... During breakfast. And it was just a 'hi, how are you' text. Why are two suddenly so interested?" She said, curiously.

Lauren and I looked at each other, shrugged then looked back at Lisa.

"Just making conversation," I said, before getting up. "In case you all forgot, Nick is coming over tomorrow,"

I saw their faces both light up and I knew they were happy to see their 'big brother' again.


Sooo I guess this wasn't that interesting of a chapter. It's cute though :) Team Nistina! Team Jorisa anyone? haha. Anyway I'll be updating a lot this weekend so stay tuned. Thanks for reading and remember to vote, comment and fan :) -ithinkitstrisha x

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