Chapter 20-One Final Lesson

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Arthur Pov

Bairon stared at me, his rage blatantly visible as a heavy aura around him. Raising his arm a bolt of white hot lightning roared out of his palm. But his spell didn't even have time to reach me. A cage made of cool-blue ice encased both Bairon and I and Varay stepped in between us.

"His fate is the council's decision." She made without a hint of emotions in her words. I felt a certain kind of kinship with Varay. A soldier who had thrown away her emotions to be more effective in what she does. She truly reminded me of my past self.

"Where is my brother!" Bairon yelled, the lightning around him coiling around like a great serpent. But unable to break free from Varay's spell.

"Bairon." Varay spoke again, this time with a more authoritative tone this time. "I shall not tolerate insubordination. Understood?"

Before I could waste any more time I spoke up. "That won't be necessary."

"What did you say-" Bairon's angry words were cut short as I flexed my body, shattering the ice that felt more like stone, that held me.

It took longer than I thought for the rest of the Lances to process what had just happened. But Varay was the first.

In a instant a barrage of ice spears and swords of varying sizes rained down upon me. As a legion of stone warriors were birthed from the ground.

It would be suicide for any regular mage, or even for the most talented white core mages to take on all six Lances at once. Despite their lack of teamwork and coordination with each other, six Lances were still six Lances.

I began gathering aether in one hand while conjuring a thin hexagonal panel in front of me. The water attribute mana bombarded the shield, while a torrent of raw aether ripped across the front lines of Olfred's summons, reducing them to their base components.

Bairon was then on me, charging me like a madman. Completely ignoring Varay's own spells. Instead evaporating them away as the lightning coating his skin made him light up like a light-bulb.

He extended his fist for a punch, and I grabbed it. Pinning his hand, I deliver a quick knee strike to his abdomen. With just enough force to not out right kill him. In response he spits out his last meal.

Before he has the time to recover I send him flying like a missile with a strike of my own. As he crashes through multiple layers of marble and stone walls of the school buildings.

'I guess I can consider this as my last lesson as a teacher and assistant director.' I mused in my head, thinking about how I should 'educate' and humble these Lances.

When suddenly a large shadow loomed over me like death. Craning my neck upwards I was met by a large stone hammer bigger than my entire body hurtling through the sky towards me like a meteor.

I brace my body, enforcing my bones and muscles with aether as I catch the hammer in my hands. Under the weight and increased gravity my feet sank into the cracked ground.

"I thought you guys wanted me alive?" I jokingly said as I heaved and pushed Mica away. She had a big childish grin on her face as she dashed towards me again. Moving at impossible speeds if you consider the sheer size and weight of her weapon.

Pushing aether into my legs I appear behind the dwarven Lance, before she could figure out what had just happened I plucked the hammer out of her hands as I used it like a baseball bat to swat her away. I then quickly turn, using that momentum to throw the hammer at Alea.

It was a risky gamble, revealing myself to her, but seemingly proving my point with my strength was effective enough. She and Aya seem to be acting just as instructed, but I still need to at least pretend to deal with them. Of course if she didn't comply I had other ways to force her to follow my commands. I did have a close relationship with the Eralith family after all. And she say firsthand what I was capable of. So if they knew what was good for they will keep their involvement here at a minimum.

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